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Everything posted by EECGeek

  1. Wow, I had no idea there was an issue. I've seen my share of rusted out tanks, but I can remember only one tank from an Econoline being replaced, and that was a month ago. Other than that only one other tank failure about a year ago and it was a salt truck.
  2. Did the brake failure cause an accident? Hope your parts guy is feeling a little better and that he recovers fully. Wish him well! And make sure there is a full investigation by the H&S Committee so this never happens again, and I'm sure the Ministry Of Labour should be involved, due to the "Critical Injury" ie possible internal bleeding and broken bones as defined in the Occupational H&S Act.
  3. The "O" word?????.....hmmmmmmmmm
  4. Jim, again sorry if rubbed salt in your wounds, it's nice to see that there are some passionate people out there and actually give a dam. We have 15 Techs and I would say there are only 3 of them that give a dam!
  5. Yes it is very unfortunate, but thanks for the info, I thought that it was something like this, but couldn't remember. It's not like he would have told us????
  6. LMFAO!!!!!.....Jim, sorry I guess I was too vague and....I was kidding. Trust me, if you knew me you would know I rarely do what i am told, especially if it seems stupid or doesn't make any sense what so ever and I always try to do what is right, not what the service advisor/manager asks/tells me to do. We have a real issue in our dealership with what is written up when a customer comes in, they don't seem to get it, garbage in garbage out, if you don't ask the right questions, you will definitly get the wrong answer!!
  7. Obviously I have access, but OASIS is a POS lately, can't get in half the time, then what do I do, sit and keep trying til I get in or just guess at a fix???? My mind is getting f$%^&* up and I can't remember like I use to.....lol....oh ya and don't get me going about the flat rate issues of wasting time!!!!!
  8. First off the technician does what a service advisor or manager says.....ya right, so it is not his fault if it gets kicked back. Secondly per the ESA Employment Standards Act, an employee can not be held responsible financially, except under negligent circumstances, which this seems like some one else's stupidity.
  9. Flat rate here...and Jim you are so right!! We are unionized, so if you don't make the flat rate time, they still pay us the actual time.
  10. I really hate to publicly/privately bash them, but this situation is so absurd, that I had to get your guys opinions. Looks like I was right this totally absurd, I wish they would get the message and just let me make them more boat loads of money, without jumping through so many god dam hoops!!!!
  11. Wow. you're good, it's Pat. He has good intentions and he has done a lot of good work to the Network, but he thinks the network has to be Fort Knox worthy. I not sure if he knows but no matter how big and strong you make the wall, some one can still take it down!!!!!
  12. Quote: Tell your IT guy he is a Douche Bag and to go cleanse himself because he really full of crap. Oh how I would love to, but than he would go tell his Daddy!!!!
  13. Does anybody know what the purpose of this is exactly, because I was under the impression that it was for us technician's to use. Because this is a secondary internet for us, we have a T3 connection from Bell for the dealership?
  14. Like I said the guy is a complete f^%&%$g bonehead!!! But he is also the owners son, and he wants to be the guy that saved the world (or at least his sad little world) from this new frontier of virus infections. And customer info, like VINs or repair order numbers and milage....OMG!! I don't have Reynolds on my laptop nor do I want it. I just use the IDS software and some of the Ford Manual DVDs on my laptop for the old vehicles ie older than 10 years which ford doesn't seem to care about any more, and I use a Excel spreadsheet to track my hours that I make, plus I am a H&S Rep, so there's all that stuff. Plus both IDS's have one USB port that doesn't work, so without my laptop we wouldn't have been able to update radio/sync software....I know you can use a USB stick, but shhhh don't tell them that!!!! And since he won't let me connect my laptop to the network, so I purchased Roger's Internet on A Stick, cost's me $40 a month but I easily make that back with time saved. And oh ya lets me browse the internet, because he has that restricted too!!
  15. Our ingenious IT bonehead has not been allowing us to use our personal laptops as an IDS for a while now stating security risks that Ford told him were too high. I found out today what that was, he says that they don't want to be responsible if my laptop infected a car with a virus. I don't think this is even possible, anybody know what operating system our PCMs use?
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