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About gtech

  • Birthday 05/20/1979

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  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Location
    st johns ,newfoundland,canada.
  • Dealership Name
    cabot ford lincoln

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  1. thanks for info lmorris , when we replaced nox sensor in nov. ssm wasn't out , we may replace them in a pair now pending what hotline comes back with.
  2. intermittent no start(fuse 40 in bjb blows). -relay good. -circuit cdc25 (bn-gn)v drop .32v. -connectors look good no corrosion. *just wondering if anyone knows of any common wire issues or possible bjb????? thanks.
  3. This ambulance has a 6.0 liter diesel came in with a dead miss on# 6,relative comp. Was down on# 6,powerbalance showed a dead miss on# 6,fuel press good inj.buzz test passed.decided to do a compression test all were good accept #6was very low,removed head to find bent valve and piston had made contact with with valve,there was no signs of debris in cyl.or exh.any body have any idea what could havecaused this kind of damage,or anything else I should be looking for.I think this is looking like retail if I can't find cause of failure.any. help muchly appreciated.
  4. yes the customer satisfation program 11b23 was performed a week ago, and i found the ssm 21852 and had explained it to the customer. thanks for the info guys.
  5. -Customer is complaining of reduced power message coming on in dash and truck has no power,i can't get it to happen and the only code that i get is a p0234 performed ppt(e)couldn't find anything wrong with map, manifold,restrictions,no issues with cac or connections. -map pid(volt)0.74 - 14.53psi koeo. -map sensor correlation test:is good. map(press)pid 14.53psi. ebp_a(press)pid14.42psi. baro(press)pid14.35psi. -performed harness wiggle test,still cannot duplicate issue for customer. this has happened to him 3 times. -Freeze freme data for p0234 flt 42c degrees. eot 93c degrees. baro 14.645psi. rpm 2275. kph 98. map 36.975psi any help or suggestions very much appreciated.
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