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  1. this is the comic relief i needed today. i read the whole thing. What a tool this guy is. The best part is he doesnt get it.
  2. Anyone know where one could get ARP head studs at a reasonable price. We got a customer who is out of warranty. And only wants to do this once.
  3. I'll have to try the KAM trick. So far i haven't had any problems doing the steps the SSM states. The truck has to be over 160 degrees. The one I did that was a cold engine surged bad until I retried everything at operating temp then seemed ok. You can hear the vgt cycling through as the exhaust changes pitch throughout the five minutes. And if you monitor the pids PWRStrokeMaster stated it does work.
  4. Done two egr coolers. no signs of head gasket failure. Done 8 or 10 head gaskets and no egr cooler failures. Go figure!?
  5. Just as much fun is replacing that new turbo you just put on. Because its just as bad as the one your replacing. The hotline response "Yeah were seeing a lot of that. Be sure to check the new turbo before installing it."
  6. That has got to be the biggest thing I've heard since these trucks have come out. "My buddy/cousin/neighbor/a bunch of the guys on the internet. Their truck doesn't do/have/look like that" I just want to tell them to go back to their Taurus or Ranger they had before buying their first diesel. Because the old school guys will tell you that their 7.3 didnt do that. Sometimes you gotta laugh.
  7. Isn't that weird both of the ones I've done have been vans as well. One ambulance and one cargo van. Both were on the drivers side Thank God.
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