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Everything posted by Clark

  1. Its not the DOHC. Just reach around to the back then?
  2. Planning on doing a tune up to my sisters Taurus and was just wondering how much of a bitch the rear plugs are. Are there any tricks, or should I leave it up to someone whos got more then a driveway?
  3. Anyone else got the new NavCom?????? Updates without NETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hells yes.
  4. Thats it? Weve got a shop Bobcat, tractor, and dump truck!
  5. +1 They said there will be redesigns, but I dont see it happening too easily.
  6. International is buying jeep, and the 4.5 + Allison 1000 will be offered as an option. http://www.jpmagazine.com/featuredvehicles/154_0904_international_buys_jeep/index.html
  7. Hmmmm, Ill have to try that. I am using the IC-4, we just got 3 brand new ones, but I havent checked the settings. What do stability settings affect?
  8. So why the lack of complaints on our end? Ive never had a truck with a problem after putting remans in, and ive never heard anything form anyone else. Any Int'l guys here had injector problems?
  9. Well, I can tell you for sure that Int'l rebuilds would make VERY good door stops, and I havent had any problems with putting them in engines either. Anyone know if the powerstroke injectors are identical to T-444E injectors? I thought the engine horspower ratings might be a little different, maybe something with the injectors. I dont know.
  10. Is anyone else having trouble with NETS lately? Its never worked great for me, but lately it seems as though its taking twice as long as normal, and thats IF it works and I dont have to restart the whole process. Alot of this may have to do with our old, beat to hell computers too, but Im just curious. Last truck I did an AFC on, I had to do it 3 times.
  11. Anyone considered using International rebuilds? I havent been in the field too long, but it doesnt seem like we have any problems with them... I suppose paying Internationals price isnt what your looking for though.
  12. I read this story, and I cant help but feel like its a word for word account of whats happening at my dealership. Were doing far better then any other truck dealer in the area work-wise, but it seems like too many techs are taking the work for granted.
  13. Truck shop hourly pay kicks ass! Help whenever you need it, AND people are more then willing to actually teach you stuff.
  14. The strainer? (has a drain valve and a mesh piece inside)
  15. Whats the International site youre using?
  16. It depends. We keep indivually packaged strips that are just meant for green coolant, as well as bottles of test strips that we use for red extended life coolant. The extended life strips also work for green (3 patches to look at, you only use 1 for extended life), but for some reason we just have both. I dont trust the bottled strips at all.
  17. If your shop is anything like ours, we arent allowed to keep the bottles in our boxes. We check DCA with a test strip and freeze point with a refractometer on every service. As soon as one idiot decides he dosent have to put the cap back on the bottle, your screwed. You should have your parts dept try and search down individually packaged ones. We have these for green, but not for red extended life. I like them much better. I never feel like I can trust the bottled ones. Ill see if I can get you a brand.
  18. Anyone got any good stories about getting screwed by problems you didnt cause? Me- A '99 466 came in with coolant in the oil. Dropped the pan, and found #5 liner leaking. Did a Works kit overhaul on it, and when it was apart, replaced 2 valves and a rocker arm due to damage, and found the #6 injector cup leaking, so I replaced those. First, the overhaul was put behind schedule by about a week due to our shops inj. cup tap walking off, so the trucking company wasnt too happy begin with. Then after putting in a 13 hour day to get it going for them as soon as possible, the brake press. light comes on right as im parking it to go. Another tech took over because I had a different job to deal with, and traced the problem to the firewall connector right in front of the steering wheel. Replaced bad pins, and problem fixed. After ANOTHER thorough test drive We tell them its all good to go. Then, as they're picking it up, the engine light comes on. At this point they are all sorts of pissed, and leave the truck with us over the weekend. The aforementioned tech finds the MAP sensor failed, replaces it, and truck is good to go. Truck left on Monday with no issues, and came back today on a tow truck. They complained of a crank/no start and coolant in the oil. Oil level good, coolant level good, no coolant in oil, and truck starts just fine. Finally got it to not start and find no icp. Find the IPR connector is the cause, replace the connector and everything is good. Needless to say my service manager is pissed and giving me all sorts of hell about how bad I am on overhauls, when, I never even touched the IPR on the overhaul (didnt even unplug it), and Ive never had an overhaul problem otherwise. Meanwhile we gave the trucking company a free rental, paid the tow bill, and in all reality, probably wont charge them a dime for fixing everything that was apparently MY FAULT! So, anyone got stories? [bad day venting mode - off]
  19. I know. Theyre cake for Ford guys, but I just see them as a pain in the ass. All small cabovers are a pain in the ass. Wait, lets just make that ALL cabovers are a pain in the ass.
  20. Sorry to bring up an old thread, but we just had a couple CFs in, and since weve sold so few, and work on ever fewer, I thought Id browse around and see if I could pick up any info. Id just like to point out that this statement is incorrect. I just finished up an overhaul and in the next bay to me for a few days our trans tech had a CF trans torn apart, taking all sorts of readings for Int'l. He found a few bad solenoids in the valve body, or something along those lines. I think it was the first time anyone broke out our CF trans service tool kits.
  21. Nevermind tractor brakes, he just needs some tractor weights on the front.
  22. Just had one in today. '06 4400. This guys air was stuck on the defrost mode. Soooo... he bought and replaced the control head, which didnt fix the problem. Then he bought the actuator, and while trying to replace it, broke it. Then, after buying ANOTHER actuator, he manages to make the center (black) gear in the gear assembly, fall out. Now I have never seen this happen, ever, and judging by how much of a bitch it was to get back in and get timed correctly, I dont think theyre meant to come out with any sort of ease. So I spent 2 1/2 hours fixing something that normaly would take me 30 minutes, using only half the bolts because he lost the rest, and he spent 3x what he would have in parts.
  23. More info. Apparently the concern was no oil pressure. The tech found a ton of metal shavings in the oil filter and almost immediately, Int'l decided they wanted the engine back. Hes started pulling the engine out now (spent almost all day today fabbing up lifting brackets for it). Ill get some pics tomorrow.
  24. Weve sold one IH version (CXT) to a car audio shop. They use it as a demo truck. They replaced the standard wheels with gigantic singles and huge offroad tires. Its been in for low power complaints 4 times in the last 5 months...
  25. I get a little nervous just working by them......
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