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Everything posted by batmantech

  1. We have not seen any big or common issues with them.
  2. Missing your input and thoughts lately, Good to hear from you!
  3. I had one similar it was a faulty "new" injector. Like Bruce said swap it with #6. I guess if they sit on the shelf too long it causes problems
  4. The spec is listed as a min which if it only achieved that then it is to low. Usually it should go above that to over 4000. I think you may have a vgt solenoid concern. If you do a search on the 6.0 section you will find some related past concerns that may help.
  5. Just like is it an EVTM or a wiring diagram
  6. Attention! The tech doing the first one here had a bag of parts missing.(stud and nut and bolt for exhaust, and damaged banjo bolts.) He called special support center and they approved additional time. He kept track of the extra time trying to get around using the missing stud but the operator approved the total time he had punched. He did not ask she wanted the total punch times, he said but that is high because it is the first one he did. She stated that did not matter, she was going to approve the total he had punch. Made his day!
  7. I am not very good with change. But like Yukon Tyler 's friend stated you need to recognize your mistakes to be successful. Or recognize the signs of a bad situation coming. When we see these thing s and react it is a good thing but can feel strange. Getting stuck in comfortable situation that is causing you to fall behind financially will be hard to deal with later. Enjoying life is a top priority with our family and like it or not money has a great influence on that. My daughter has some learning development issues and that really made us figure out what is important in life. My wife has a job teaching that she loves but does not pay very good, but I think that loving what you do is way better that money. That being said when I see my year end dollars going down the last few years, warranty times lower and lower, me getting older. I had to find something else. I found out very quickly that this industry is not the place to be happy and make a decent simple living, while getting older. Anyway you do it its going to be difficult, but you will know when you have made the best choice for your family.
  8. Wow I use a simple old snap-on turn screw with the flip lever clicker in 3/8 and a plain old twister in1/2. Then get a paint pen mark all the bolts at top, use a very big breaker bar or rachet for the next steps of 90 deg. that way when people stop to ask why you are breathing so heavy turning these bolts, you always know where you stopped.
  9. That sucks...we have all been there. All you can do is let it go and keep doing the right thing. In the end you will be/ARE the better person!
  10. You would think that it being only bank 1 that would be fuel related. What if you install a fuel pressure gauge, and leave it in, let customer watch it maybe it randomly goes low. (just an idea)
  11. After 23 proud years of working at a FORD dealer, I have decided to leave. I will be taking a position with the local city. It was a tough decision to make but one that had to be made. I want to thank each and everyone on the DTS site! You have made my work life much more enjoyable these last few years. Its great to have so many people that are hard working, honest, helpful, and trustworthy as you all. I hope you will allow me to stay on here and try to return the favors until my knowledge becomes obsolete. Again THANK YOU!
  12. Hotline will tell you to do a complete disassembly and cost cap. I did that once NEVER again. I got paid nothing to do that tear down/reassemble for core. Went over multiple times with management and directly with the outside warranty processor-nothing.
  13. It's neat but that's a lot of cash!
  14. This seems to be the normal thing on many. Have seen 2004 and even under warranty on a 2010 or 11. Some people are replacing cab corners other just patching it. Was wondering if everyone is seeing this. What actually causes it. Looks like they rust on the inside to out.
  15. We had a very good customer pass away this last year. He had a giant FORD banner hanging behind him at the visitation. When the church services were over the hearse(a Buick) would not start. His boys decided to put him in the back of his Ford F-150. (Funny thing is that when we went to get the Buick it started right up.) Everyone knew that was his perfect final ride.
  16. Did one where it passed the dosing test, new sender fixed it. Got another one in the now waiting for the sender, wiring seemed ok we will see I guess
  17. Here is a new Lincoln Icon
  18. Let it outside 2 days then had customer come and started it. It just cranks slightly longer than other 7.3's customer only uses this truck to pull his camper. He now says that it is starting ok. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with it. But when you have two trucks sitting there and his makes 1-2 more revolutions it is different.
  19. GEM later became smart junction box ,SJB, then body control module, BCM
  20. I have been using this one for over a year it is great very fast. It is an ASUS -intel core i5-windows 7- solid state is the way to go!
  21. Got a 2002 F-250 267,000 miles that has a slightly long crank 2-3 seconds. (in 70 degree shop) no matter how long I let it sit it never cranks any longer. Customer states that it will almost not start, nice clean truck well maintained. I can only get 2-3 seconds of crank. If I cycle key off then restart it will fire up normally 1-2 second crank. No codes, new batteries,runs fine. Oil reservoir full. Buzz injectors sounds good. Datalogger shows rpm 170, slow to build icp , it does ramp up quickly ,Ipr only gets to 45-48% when starts. With either head oil line plugged condition is the same. Installed new IPR same 2-3 second crank. All that is remaining is the high press. pump but I am just not convinced that is going to fix this thing. Just thought I would ask everyone if you have come across something like this before.
  22. Pulled valve cover used chassis ears, noise loudest at front and back on rh side. Found rollers worn on front and rear lifter, cam worn, some lifters hard to get out. Replacing short block. Thanks again everyone!
  23. Getting back on this thing now, thanks for the direction. I was leaning toward internal/lifter rocker noise, just based on what I have read here. Funny thing now after sitting the noise is gone again. hotline response, is similar ,cam, lifter, or short block.
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