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Everything posted by batmantech

  1. Thanks Brad, I looked pretty smart yesterday when the guy next to me was asking how to remove that pulley on a MKS. I did finally give you all the credit!
  2. Looking for a "belt chrip noise" on this 09 with 82,900 miles. Was in before verified belt chirp replaced the a/c belt and tensioner chirp gone. One week later its back. Outer tensioner was replaced a few months ago. Removed both belts still has chirp squeak noise, mostly from right side ,loudest at right front cover area. No codes- runs fine- power balance even no change when cancel cylinders. Seams to be gone above 1,100 rpm's. Any thoughts on this would be great.
  3. We keep getting more of these with lots of water in the oil. All short trippers, this winter is been much colder than normal.
  4. I bet they said "Ever since you worked on the check engine light it started making a noise from the rear tire"
  5. The Part coverage is not what I would have thought. This 2011 with 62,000 and the 5J225 reductant assy. is not covered.
  6. I too will weld a long time before I drill anything! I was beginning to wonder if I missed something with all this talk about drill guides lately.
  7. Had a retired guy wait for his alignment, he found a chair and then promptly fell asleep.
  8. Curious what you used to remove the broken bolts....???
  9. Jim that is the rule of thumb that I generally stick with also. Needed something in print to satisfy some people. Those repairs to add up big numbers fast.
  10. I thought I/We were a liitle...... oh hell I think we maybe.....pass me another beer.
  11. I tried to tell people here that but I could not find that in the shop manual. I just got back my hotline response that it is not a free wheeling engine now they believe me.
  12. This 09 came in tow from another indy shop. Cranks no start. Found right hand cam not moving, phaser turning ,pin inside broken and damaged the cam. Cam caps look good. Oil had loads of moisture milky, actual water ran out when I cracked the drain plug open. Outside temps have been around and below 0 degrees for weeks, suspect that this thing was never warmed up and froze. Wondering if anyone has seen this issue before. Basically trying to cover myself. Owner is relative of the new service writer here and just recently bought it, he keeps looking at me funny when I tell him it needs a new engine. Having hard time thinking a new phaser and cam is the answer here. Any Ideas?
  13. I guess that I have been doing this stuff to long. Have been dealing with more than the regular share of people and things that are making me miss the sarcasm in things. Yes I thought it was slightly out of character for you, I think I need another vacation from work !
  14. The part that bothers me is this is a school bus service company. I wonder what other "maintenance" they will just not do. I will respectfully disagree with Jim on this topic. Proper maintenance means less chance of something bad happening that could easily been avoided. A fluid or filter miss is one thing that can be argued to be "not needed". But other things cannot. A miss inspection, maintenance and lube of a badly worn tie rod end would not stop the bus from moving. But it should be done.
  15. Already talked to service manger....he left a phone message with the warranty guy.....well that makes me feel better.
  16. The response I got... "I have tried to get additional time for teardown in the past from ford and they generally won't pay it" Also I questioned compression test labor opp. 6051a11 for .6 He stated that glow plug remove is included in that. So I checked glow plug r&r opp. 12342d1t is 1.2 hours. Does not make any sense to me.
  17. Did a 2011 6.7 yesterday 85,000 miles original filters. (3 port on top one) Original owner said he has never change it.
  18. I have a 2011 6.7 with spun bearings. Hotline advised a complete teardown to inspect. So I did even though on the phone conversation I told them it was pointless to teardown we know what all the damage is. So I tear it completely down....... Now the fun part and my question, Our outside, warranty processing company says that I only get 6007E1D for 2.8. in the description it states " time for removal of one vale cover and oil pan to inspect. " Well I was at that point before I called hotline then I still had to tear down completely and reassemble. So does anyone know what you have gotten for teardown inspect and reassemble for core?
  19. Hotline told me to code it to the bearings, that sounds to me like spun bearings on the 2011 engine builds is an issue. Not the result of anything causing it.
  20. If that engine oil had debris in it, then that has passed through the turbo. I bet if you recheck you will find an issue with the turbo. Then just resubmit for approval.
  21. O.k. so the discount is now on my bill. Ready....it's $12.00 Well at least it is something, the percent discount only applies to certain portion of your plan. The link worked great, I think the key is the @ford.com email
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