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Everything posted by batmantech

  1. Benny Hill now that was great ENTERTAINMENT. I can see the chase in my head now.....cool Now I am going to be whistling that theme song all day!
  2. Have done pleantly of half shells on regular customers. Have not had any problems.
  3. Getting hit by another 4-6 inches of snow today looks like a littlr blizard out there now! Forcast 4-6 more tonight Yeah! People are loading up the sleds and heading to northern MN those poor saps got way more..... Its the middle of april what the heck!!!!
  4. We see many problems with E85 and flex fuel trucks and cars. A quick check of the FF_INF pid and compare it to the actual fuel. We take a clear plastic bottle and mark two equeal parts. Pull fuel line and fill to first line and add water, shake and look at the separation. I have recently had the FF_INF wrong both ways. Some people switch back and forth fuels others say they never fill with E85 either way we have found these to be off. Once they burn out or drain that tank and refill the problems are gone. Seems to happen more in the spring and fall. just started working on 2013 with 246 miles very long crank 10 seconds just starts......Was filled with E-85!
  5. Working on left hand exhaust manifold on a 09 6.8 v-10. Well 4 bolts were gone snapped off inside head.Welded on a washer and nut and removed. Tube got damaged while removing manifold. So of course the tube broke off at the block. Got out the 5.4 3v broken spark plug tool and used it to remove the portion that was stuck in the block. Worked great!
  6. I have had one very similar. The PCM fixed it. I verified it by swapping a known good one after doing diag like you did. I think the aftermarket had them and the were cheap too.
  7. Finally got rid of snow pack last week...... Snowed yesterday and today we got another 6" inches, just west of us they got 12". Last year we had multiple 80 deg. days by now.
  8. We would just weld them up for racing on the dirt. They changed the rules and would jack up one side and it had to spin!
  9. Wondering if anyone has found a good use for all these extra 9.75 rear axle limited slip clutch shims. I have a box full of these things and I keep thinking I will find some sort of use for them. Any Ideas?
  10. Saw that in tech school in 80's also. This is the first time I have seen it since then, it's even funnier now!!
  11. There is the same "special tool" on the other side of the shop here! I wish I could post pics of our "gas caddy" lets just say it came from a 1950 Dairy Farm.. three parts... bottom.. cover.. and a piece of hose.
  12. I am holding that one in my hand, we stock it here. F85Z-6C324-EA
  13. I even have a can of the old FG-800 red long caps that used to come on fuel filters. They all get locked up in my box too.
  14. I have also learned the hard way NOT to use impact drivers on the module bolts. The nuts that are riveted into the the door are cheap and spin and are a next to imposible to remove when stripped.
  15. FYI the new DSM fixed the concern. And yes, I have seen stuff come in where someone has just put the fuses on a pile and put them anywhere.
  16. Nice find Brad, I to hate the new module thing. Got 2010 F-150 with no power seats or power pedals. Pinpoints are 2 steps, check power and ground at DSM then replace module. I opened it up but can't see anything. Its getting a module. Nice to see someone taking the time to properly lay out the fuses(in the top of the picture)
  17. I don't think she did anything different than anyone else. They all seemed so afraid of being shufflesd to the back that no one took any chances at all. I was hoping for some action at the end, at least Jr. took a shot but with a teammate(jimmy) in front, I can see why he went for it at the last second then they both end up with a good finish. And you know that is all most of the top ten drivers were doing, they(smaller teams) needed the finish money. Hopfully the new cars will be more racy at the shorter no plate tracks.
  18. Thanks for letting us know it's fixed. Glad to help. Gary
  19. I would guess that you have a worn bushing in the distributor housing or stator problem. It has been a long time since I did one but it was a fairly regular thing back then. I think an aftermarket distributor was cheaper than the staor pickup.
  20. We had a Cornwell tool guy demo one of those a few years ago very quick/clean heat. I believe that is the same technology that is used in the 6.0 inductive heat PCM/ficm program to heat up the injectors.
  21. Seems like this dipstick design is not "robust" enough. Seeing many different trucks with these tubes either broke next to the holding bracket or a spot weld breaks at the holder. Resulting in these oil leaks. Anyone else seeing these regularly? Any repeat breaks after 20-30,000 miles. I am thinking about modifing the bracket. Cutting off the bracket wrapping in rubber hose to isolate it then secure to stud and prevent crack or break in the future.
  22. Michael how about an update. Wonder also on a strangly similar truck. What else is common besides egr coolers and head gasket can cause coolant to vent the cap?
  23. Mike that's a great question! Is this what being diesel certifited does to our brains?
  24. I just used the Clarke weld MIG 130EN on a 5.4 3v. It works fine. If I were to weld other things I think I would upgrade.
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