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Everything posted by batmantech

  1. Well thanks guys, I thought this didn't add up(just injectors o-rings leaking didnt seem like the only issue) that was one of he reasons I posted this here. I dont recall dead heading an 03 set up before. It does make sense that I should have more press but I started to wonder when the test states 1500 psi min. That word min should have been my first clue. Anyway the new high press. pump and o-rings on injectors fixed the concern. Thanks again!
  2. Ok, So I did dead head the pump by blocking off the flex lines at each head tube (per the High press oil pump test) and it passed 1525 psi. Does'nt that prove the hpop and tubes are ok?
  3. I see in the thread "6L injector nipple OIL RAIL o-ring kit and tool"- the seals are avalible as per Bruce Amacker's post on page 2 Is talking to yourself the first sign of insanity? Whatever man it worked! I think being diesel certified was the start...... Have a GREAT DAY!!
  4. update: block off plugs 1500 psi. Air press on supply tube can see oil come up around top of injector top seal leaking.
  5. This truck was towed in warm stalled on road. Icp is low 390-410 steady , ipr 84% ,rpm241. So I am looking for high pres oil leak. Since it is a 03 I decided to just pull the valve covers and look. Well thenm it started but ran slow power balance was even. until eot raised up then it stalled, now back to checking oil system. While cranking I see small amounts of oil coming out around most of the injector tops where it meets the supply log. Is that normal on the 03 "log"? Any other thoughts.(I am attempting to locate the block of tools now) This seems rare to be working on an 03 with this concern?
  6. I was proud to vote yesterday. Standing in line, My thoughts turned to the guy that is a good customer here. He served in World War 2 and was in "The battle of the Buldge". Not many survived that and we should all be greatfull to those who gave all!
  7. Hey guys Looking for a place to find belt tensioner and pully for 1993 SHO. Ford is obsolete, Napa and Auto Value can't find anything. Any ideas?
  8. Thats great! Thanks for the laugh Brad, I needed it today.
  9. You dont have to use a mig. any welder "may work" if you are able to get in there. Side note I have also found that If it wont come out right away that you somtimes need to let it cool down like overnight. weld on a nut and out it comes. The only part of the stud that sticks is the shoulder of the stud that touches the head.
  10. I used that zep stuff for years worked great. Now we use Super-eez from Texas Refinery that also works great.
  11. We do many 150's for shudder concern. We had many return with the same shudder, shimm selection was correct, soaked 15 min.(our dealership owner requires we only use 80w-90) Hotline stated the had no records of repeat failures on diff. clutch packs! (They said if you drive in a circle then goes away that you have no issue) Tell that to a guy who just spent big $ on a new truck. Well anyway we started to dump 2 bottles and I have not had one back.
  12. She is currently using multiple thumb drives I think she is concerend about those failing unexpectedly. She has heard that can happen and now wants a more secure option.
  13. I thought you all might have some input on this subject. My wife teaches and is looking for an external hard drive to back up all her lesson plans,smartboard,video etc. Any ideas or thoughts?
  14. Throttle body gasket sucked in? Odd but worth a look is the tp shaft slot somtimes they would build up rust under the sensor
  15. Its an interseting topic for me, one which I have thought about since the first year I started at the dealership(that was 21 years ago). Thought about going back to get a degree to teach. Then married a teacher! I guess without getting into it too much, You have to have a dream or thought and then make a plan and stick to it. I believe God has a plan and somtimes it changes fast other times it takes years. Bill Gates refered to his fortunes like this...You have to be in the right place at the right time and then recognize the opertunity when it arrises. So if you know what you want, them put yourself into the right place.
  16. Hey Brad, I was wondering, what did you say on the board that was so bad?
  17. There are some around I had two this week! One for long crank...(this tsb would have helped thanks) Guy had put new lift pump and new injectors,caps and lines still a long crank.. I put a fuel check valve in between the lift pump and the fuel filter housing that seems to have fixed it. other is no start...working on right now have fuel press. at filter and supply to injection pump ok. nothing at injectors.. Power to energize to run solenoid good..Looks like it needs a injection pump.
  18. Well it got towed in last week Guy said it now started to smoke out the exhust--Hydro locked now ,pulled glow plug 5&7 full of coolant. Surprise? No "cbriggs" saw this one coming. I will be doing coolers today. As always,Thanks for all the good info!
  19. update--- I installed a new belt (was old ford belt) and a new ect sensor(per service manager instructions) Customer would not allow me to replace the t-stat he just put in some other brand after the concern started-I tried to explain it but he did'nt care. So I guess we will see what happens in the next few weeks....
  20. Sorry, I guess I was not very clear. No codes I can active command the fan up and it roars as I ramp up the duty cycle. EOT,ECT 5-8 degrees. Cooling sysytem press (Guage tee into the system) after driving a hard 8 miles is very low, 5 psi max. at WOT. Customer and myself cleaned the rad. front and the other coolers(have seen that fuze-dirt cover the rad before) I also used a bore scope through the upper rad hole to inspect the rad core tubes they look like new. So by what everyone is saying this cover should be fine. More info today from customer when pulling 5,000 lbs is ok when pulling 20,000 lbs guage goes up HE has small scan tool display thing (pluged into the dcl) goes from 190 to 247 up and down fast, fan does roar. When he pulls over he says it does not feel or smell hot, the degas cap can be removed with very little press coming out. That is why I thought it was a coolant flow issue. It only happens when pulling goose neck trailer with tractor. You would think that if it was a wiring or sender issue that would not matter.
  21. Customer states guages goes up pegs hot under load only. Visual ok rad. clean inside and out. Eot ect within 5 deg. Coolant full no leaks hold vac with rad kit. head gasket ok system press. very min. No codes. Check fan works ok when commanded up. Customer did wash rad,condenser and put in new stat. I pulled the water pump seems ok tight on shaft. My question is the front cover has pitting inside pump area, and a 2-3 deep wear area at the bottom part of pump hole. Could this be my overhet problem. I really dont have anything to compare it to. Any thoughts are appreciated, Thanks (I did post a pic to the photo post, page but I do not know how to put it on here)
  22. I wonder that also... Parts and salvage yard kept telling me that a 550 was different, which this truck was.
  23. Update: Thank you all for the input. It was a great help. They finally shipped out a 03 I did switch the rear engine cover. All worked fine. Thanks again!
  24. Thanks for the info. I passed it along to parts and the customer. Well what do you think rolls in the door today. A 2004 late build with the ICP in the right front valve cover. So will this thing work? From everthing I know , I say NO. What do you guys think?
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