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About jimwrench

  • Birthday 06/19/1978


  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Location
    Alberta Canada
  1. Sorry for making things not clear... KOEO ICP .23 IPR 15% cranking icp 1.9-2.2 ipr 85% then as pressure builds drops to 32% injector trim is 8.7 i contribute the spike in the ipr due to the fact i pressure tested the high pressure oil system with nitrogen to 500 psi to test for a leak so there is still some air in the oil rails no hight pressure oil leak detected with the valve covers off and ipr electronically closed
  2. was in for driving lights and running boards.... my icp voltage is at .8 and my ipr % is 87% then drops down to 23% while cranking as pressure builds and the accessories never did get installed couldnt get truck into shop...... tried the disconnect icp sensor as well....
  3. 2005 6.0 173 k hard start no start parameters are all there 1200 icp cranking 65 fuel pressure no codes ficm voltages 11.5 and 48 tried know good ficm has sync and ficm sync 4 new injectors 3 months ago 3 new ones on other side 8 months ago with studs and egr delete air tested high pressure oil system held great to 500 psi truck drove to dealer for accessories and now wont start
  4. I took the chance on a truck i was selling and honestly guys it did clean up the injectors and the truck ran alot smoother and saved me from buying any injectors....... It comes with a satisfaction guarentee so that is why i thought it would be ok bought it from an international dealer in taber alberta and had it mailed out you cannot get this stuff nshipped across the boarder yet......
  5. It's not that i am taking work away from my employer by any means but when you have 9 techs and only 2 scan tools and typically now one of them always seems to be out of commission. I dont have a problem with getting my own IDS the only thing i don't like is after i get this am i going to have find myself getting a Chrysler DRB and then a tech 3 for the dura max
  6. yeah i always knew about this place and decided to sign up..... seeing alot of familiar faces from message board land fo sure....
  7. I do alot of sideline work and just wondering if there is anything i can use to perform a power balance on a 6.0 the IDS is not always available for sleepovers and my Solus I know does not.......
  8. Had one in with way overfilled crankcase and raw coolant in the air intake accordian before the primary turbo..... nice clear clean coolant :S replaced the turbos front cover water pump........ect...ect came in after road test sat in shop overnight still losing pressure 10 psi over night 18 over the weekend..... removed VCs to find nothing then removed the pan and found leak in between # 2 and #4 cylinders on the #2 side removed head no cross hatch on #2 and a cracked block.........
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