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    Freshman Member

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    alberta, canada
  1. that sounds like a real money maker if u r on flate rate
  2. Snap-on sells a socket that fits on both filter housings and oil filter housing
  3. almost like our shop... around here...its not what u know its who u blow
  4. it is getting to be a big joke of how ppl who sit in some office can take control of some guys payckeck thousands and thousands mile away, and yet probably those guys who r adjusting the labour times are probably soaking up the rewards of Ford making more money
  5. frist one i did took well over a day only to get paid that 3.6hrs.... gotaa love this trade......guys can stand around all day lone with there thumb up there ? and get paid a full days pay while i bust my back for ten hours to get paid for 3,6
  6. Thank-u very much for ur reply cbriggs, our dealership is too cheap to invest in any new labour books, our Mitchell book goes up to 2008 only, no labour in that book for any 6.4L engine at all they been just using warranty times for all reatil jobs too, much to my disapproval......now i can show them how much time and money they r actuallu losing and me also... almost time to find a new job if i have to keep putting up with this bull crap
  7. retail.7 to change t-states, even waranty pays .9 with rad removal, i am not sure how one can change A/C belt from below without taking off the big gger serpentine belt frist
  8. hello what r u guys charging retail to r and r a rad and thermastates and the AC belt all on a 2008 6.4l F350.... i just wanna see how bad i am getting hosed for time here
  9. i am still looing for a place in canada or western canda that buys them... does anyone know of anyone or company that buys them along with oilcoolers too
  10. would any know the proper retail labour times for replacing or pretty well going through all the same steps listed in the coolant lost TSB but under reatail times, our labour manual book is way outta date and the way our front end counter guy figured it retail times pays less that what warranity pays
  11. does any one know of someone in western canada that buys old egr coolers
  12. i am just wondering if any one would know the retail labour time from mitchell or chilton labour book to replace the front oil pump gasket and front crankshaft seal on a 2008 F350 witha 6.4L, no plow or no grill on front....Ford warranity pays .5 for oil leak diag. and 3.1 for oil pump gasket and seal replacement.... i justwanna know if i am getting flat raped again
  13. cbriggs.....u can have my job here in east central alberta, but frist i should warn u that u probably would have to put up with the same crap and be perpared to do all the warranty work while the the other couple guys are doing the retail balljoints, brake and all the other retail work that comes in the shop
  14. What i mean by limp mode is the power is reduced, can only get to maybe 50mph top, can only get 16-18 lbs of boost top, but the accelerater pedal still works, when reading the AP pids on Ids, they all read normal, when u have it to the floor trying to get speed IPR is maxed at 84%, all u have to do is put it in N, cycle the key off-on and restart and all is back to normal. I understand about there maybe being a HP oil leak, but would that HP oil leak turn on the wrench light and have reduced power. All of my HP oil leaks i had to deal with all had a stall concern and maybe a no start after hot.
  15. I am just wondering why the wrench light comes on and puts the truck in limp mode instead of the check engine light comimg on, both turbo tests where done with the IDS and both pass.The VGT can be commamed up and down with no problems. And what would the wrench light have to do with low ICP or turbo boost...should it not be turning on the MIL light and how can it register overboost and underboost at the same time
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