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Everything posted by Mr.Meanwrench

  1. Creeper hair sucks....Complete buzz cut every 2 weeks for me..
  2. I heard it was an EGR cooler. I would NEVER send a 6.0 to a high profile event. I have my 7.3's for that. As far as why it was shut off on the field, who knows! Any other time you could not get 'em to shut those things down. Perhaps it quit due to the EGR valve having a marble in it due to the failing cooler. Just a thought.....
  3. I kinda feel some of your pain. When there is a major trauma call, ambulances have to come in to the shop to have moldings and mounts/plates taken up off the floors in the patient compartment. You can imagine what ends up on the floor!!
  4. I agree with both Keith and mrbudge. There are "techs" out there that I would not want working on my lawnmower,let alone a vehicle. I use ASE as a starting point in the hire process and try to feel them out in an interview. I am very upfront with all candidates - I'm an anal a**hole that truly believes in fixing it right the first time. In the EMS business, there is just too much to lose by hacking and cobbing. If it ever came to that,id hang up the wrenches for good. I enjoy the continuing education i get from STARS and anywhere else I can get it. Just wish I had access to the classroom time you Ford guys get.
  5. Check out the link below. 6.0 dies on the field at Buffalo Bills Game. Thankfully it was not one of mine. Gave me freakin' chills though...
  6. I was using stanadyne up here for a while, then tried PM22A. Both of them appeared to do the same for me. Neither product was helping us with extreme carbon buildup due to very excessive idling. I am told by my superiors that engine shutdown will not be considered so I kept looking until I found Complete Fuel System Treatment by Enertech Labs. This has stopped my carbon buildup issues in their tracks. 3 oz. to a tankful (if the operators use it). http://www.enertechlabs.com/
  7. I will start by saying I have a great deal of respect for you guys repairing this shit flat rate. My fleet shop takes care of all repairs in house unless the vehicle is under warranty. We have IDS,VMM and all pertinent tools required to repair the 6.0 and 7.3. We have had bad luck with a local Ford dealer as far as quality of work goes. I actually had to send customer pay work to them for injectors and the damn thing comes back with no nuts on the left motor mount and a nice hole/crack in the bellhousing of the trans. I am either driving or towing my warranty work 40 miles away to have it done right. Numerous conversations with the DP who is also the service manager have ended with him telling me to fuck off. We are streched thin in upstate NY as far as Ford dealers go and those that have a good tech have them stacked like cord wood. Come lately, unless it is a major engine repair, we are repairing it in house and absorbing the cost. It is cheaper to eat the cost of parts/labor than be without the ambulance 3 to 4 weeks. Just wanted you all to see it from the fleet standpoint.
  8. I am a huge supporter of ASE. In the indy/fleet world, finding competent technicians is a challenge even for veteran service managers. At least if I have a tech with ASE certs either he cared enough to buy and read a study guide to pass the exam or even better, he knows his shit. I recently hired a technical school/ASSET grad that had 8 years at a Ford dealer. Did not know how to identify a grade 8 bolt and installed calipers bleeders down and could not figure out why he could not get air out of the system. I spend ALOT of money for our subcription to STARS and hold my employees accountable for utilizing it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Ford techs but I had one bad experience and perfer to look for ASE certs. Sorry for the long rant.
  9. I have a couple of these 42 way connectors on a pair of 7.3 econolines i am scrapping. Let me know and i'll figure how to get em to you.
  10. Seeing alot of this in the ambulance fleet world. My trucks run all day long. I keep 2 clean intakes ready to go. Been burned before with that random piece of carbon breaking off and jamming the EGR open.
  11. I work rediculous hours in the EMS world. I can be putting injectors in a 6.0 now,and saving a life in 20 minutes. In the rare event that I get time off, I spend it with my wife and my 13yr old either camping,fishing or boating.
  12. Daily driver is a 07 F150. Blue in color. Metallic pearl since no one has busted my balls yet. My service truck is a 94 E350 7.3 IDI.
  13. I used Evans on a Explorer with a severe electrolysis issue about 4 years ago. The stuff works great. Some of the high end pro dirt racers in the northeast run it as well. Think I still have a couple gallons in the parts dept...
  14. Had some missing anti rattle clips on a couple 2008's All of them needed to have wheel bearings preloaded @ 500 miles when I took delivery. The bearings are still okay @ 52,000...
  15. All 4 of my 08"s have had ball joints @ roughly 25,000 miles.....
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