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    Genius Member

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    Queens New York
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  1. Okay, its 7G383-A according to ford parts catalog, 3rd solenoid in closer to temp sensor.
  2. Yes, it's a great post. I will need to get it on the highway and record, see which one drops out. Thanks
  3. Hi all, i need part # for valve body gasket and TCC Solenoid. Thank you.
  4. Hi all. I havent been on here in a minute. Got a 2017 f550 with 4k, p207f. DEF not contaminated. All seems ok. Any thoughts?
  5. Im on the coast in SC, love it down here. The fishing is gteat, I caught 12 sandsharks in like 3 hours, also pulled a pretty large stingray half out of the water but it managed to flap its way back under and almost pulled me under the pier and took my hook with it. Seems like a great place to retire down here, not sure. about the economy in the non tourist areas. Im waiting out the storm now, windsblowing pretty strong and im right on the water, hopefully its safe to travel tomorow becuase im checking out.
  6. Fuel trims stay pegged negative and dont move on bank2 -i believe it was. I think the engine jumped time. I couldnt drive it-no plates.
  7. Is there a suction throttle valve at the evaporator core or somthing that looks like an H valve used on chrysler stuff? Try whacking it with a hammet and see if the temp drops a little.
  8. I have noticed that also a few times and never given it much thought.
  9. I have autoenginuity, it goes in but half the screen stays low. I am not happy with a i's version of powerballance sincre Ive had 6 .0 misfires that wont even show on the graph. Yeah there is no real substitute for ids.
  10. In runs well, just a tiny shake at idle. And no engine noise.
  11. This is my first time seeing this code on a 4.6. Any other issues causing this, pcm, harness issue, alternator? Thanks.
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