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Everything posted by Mbl35

  1. I checked and the noise seems to be from the turbo, also is leaking exaust from the split in the top. Im going to take it out and crack it open sunday eve when i get in. Also, the oilfilter standpipe is fine.
  2. I took it to dinner before and it still whistles-to a high pitced wine-cap on and off. If i get a chance, later in going to first chech all tubing and exaust at the turbo. It will do it in park so i could problobly pinpoint the noise and it happens when the engin reaches operating temp.
  3. I work the late shift. It has alot of power. After i rnr the bottle and cap and fill the system, i had it on high idle for about 5 minutes and the temp guage went to the middle. Im going to try driving it with the cap loose when i get in later, also i was thinking about pulling the filter and having a look based on the cap. Two years ago we had a bus that was overfueling. The standpipe in the filter housing with the spring was gone, pretty much all injecter o-rings melted causing premature fueling and glowplug conectors melted into the cavity, prettymuch all plastic in or around the engine took it.
  4. Around 11:30pm yesterday i grabed an 05 e350 box-amulance for check engine lt. It had eot overtemp code. I see the degas bottle is full but snail trails trickling down from the cap around the bottle. I pull the cap to see it melted on the inside. I tried to place a new cap on but it would'nt thread on-the bottle got warped. I replaced the bottle and took it for a ride, driving it nice and hard for about 2 miles watching the eot/ect both rise steadilly within 2 degrees of each other to 250; temp gauge at 3/4 and rising. Mil back on, i go back to the shop and check the bottle, it's at the hot-full line but evidence of cololant just starting to vent from the new cap and the eot overtemp code. Also this unit had waterpump, thermostat and a fanclutch last sept. or oct.-i believe. Also there's a high pitched whistle coming from the engine area that some fellow techs could'nt pinpoint, it comes on light, medium and heavy accelerations whether it's in d-n or p. I know eseries are detuned but none the less i wonder if it could be over boosting due to how it starts running hot after a few accelerations and the whistle? If i get back on it later i'll check to see if the radiator is externally clogged. Also i did'nt hear the fan clutch running hard when i drove it. Also egr test done at around 245 degrees and passed.
  5. Yes I been there once-thanks.
  6. ok thanks. How about the new style ngs looks like ngs classic on steroids. Same thing?
  7. I was checking out the ngs pc. It seems like a decent alternative to the ids. Anyone here using it?
  8. i would inspect the icp/ipr conectors pin fit and peel back the tape around the harness to inspect the wiring condition. Easy to do if you take the compressor out of your way. You could have oil contamination from an icp that was changed out. Had a few-did i post that already?
  9. Could'nt a bad pickup o-ring cause airation?
  10. Oh i meant 4.9, my bad.
  11. yea 5.9 gas, up to 89 i think.
  12. I'd like to get one of those. It has a 4 banger?
  13. Would be nice if ford could configure a clean burning-up in the horsepower inline six turbo diesel for the van.
  14. How is the harness condition? I've had drivability concerns on 7.3 with and without dtc's with oil contaminated harnesses, the oil leaks through icp and gets through the pins and into the wireing. But usually the symptom would be a hard start, stalling to crank no start after stall engine warm. But with bad pickup from a cruising speed it sounds like those 2 little filters in the sending unit could be clogged.
  15. You ever think about working in a fleet shop? That warrenty crap really burned me up. It's mostly what i got stuck with. Now i do warrenty work, same write ups and prior and all that crap, but the paycheck is always the same or better if overtime is worked.
  16. I recall that spin thing they had when i was at ford. Oh yea and that bs jb emissions kit, every one you sell you get 5 dollars when the jb guy comes around-just save your box tops! We got 1hr. for the service, i'd pour a can in the fuel tank and the other 2 cans got tossed in the dumpster. Easy money to pay the tool guy-lol.
  17. Yea, i drive them up on the emissions dyno ramp and fill them-pain in the ass though.
  18. I believe our bus shop has it along with the vmm-both which they most likely don't use. I'll order it.
  19. We don't have the vacuum tester at our shop.
  20. Almost every time i pull an egr valve for a failure and it looks a little wet or sticky, i pull the egr cooler pipe to inspect the cooler. Many times i have found egr coolers on the way out,if i see sticky wet substance or wet coolant i change out the cooler and before that i do a cts-eot probe testdrive to rule out an oil cooler-was good when you had to get apprval for coolers but now it saves me the greif of repeat egr cooler failures a few weeks later. This is simple on an e-series and sucks to do on an f-series, but it's worth it. Also i had a few that through a few injectors due to a bad egr cooler due to that sicky mixture of coolant and exaust soot that gets on the injector tips. One time i had to replace all 8.
  21. Egr baffle, we got one unit that gos through egr valves every month and sometimes 2 in a month. This thing stays running at least 22 hrs a day-mostly idling. Ever since i put a baffle kit in it it has'nt thrown a single egr code. It's been in for other stuff like a float problem and a glowplug harness but no egr concerns so far, and for the span of time the egr was'nt changed on this unit, i'd say the egr kit has helped. Also we give bottles of sten to the crews to put in it with fill ups because that diesel they get in manhattan is crap.
  22. Wev'e been using it almost a year now. We hardly see inj failures and much less egr valves. We add it to the fueltank when the truck comes to fill it.
  23. Not using a star pattern when tightening wheels! Not putting tech manuals away and shop tools. Food crumbs on the IDS keyboard, grease on the IDS and leaving the IDS dead! especially Leaving injectors loose and just throwing egr valves in when there's coolant present in the intake manifol-6.0-That falls in the incomplete diagnosis catagory. Oh yea not configuring modules etc...
  24. I'm gona call my snapon guy and order it. And yea thats also a good way to check your work. All great replies, thanks.
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