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Everything posted by Mbl35

  1. I'll have look inside the cover for loose items, but this thing does'nt smoke though. Howbout a loose rocker arm?
  2. Started checking an 03 e350 for a engine knock, it seems to be from the drivers side front area. Im going to pull valve cover and unplug 1 inj. at a time to see which cyl it is. Anyone ever change an injector for a knock? It runs good and buzz test passes. I only changed 2 7.3 inj. and it was for dead misfires. Also the turbo seems to be leaking in the middle somewhere and the top of the aluminum housing of the turbo is like charcoal when it starts cooling off on the barbeque, its black, grey and ashy with little chunks rubing off when you touch it. It seems like the turbo is getting very hot outside from the leak and is burning up. Also the y-pipe doughnuts are leaking but that leak is downward. Though there's no codes and it has good pickup. You can hear and smell the exuast. Man this thing is a real mess it's also leaking from the hp pump gasket into the valley down the bellhousing and from the reservoir gasket down onto the timing cover.
  3. I actually have the tool, have some stuff from a store that closed and some syncro tools among them-yeah!
  4. Yea sounds good but i think i'll pass on that -regarding #1, just in case. It's a van with a v10 and juat incase that don't go as planned, i don't feel like pulling the head. If that cyl starts misfireing then i'll deal with it that way. I'll just leave it for now. For 2, i had my boss order a syncro and a cam sensor. Thanks for the input guys.
  5. 1) 97 e superduty bus. Had 2 skips in the motor-cyl2 & 9. My supervisor told me to change all plugs and coils. Cyl2 coil, a small piece of the boot broke on the plug. since it's a van i'm having trouble getting the piece off the plug. I usually use my extra long storks, twist a little and the piece comes out. I have small storks and they will grip the boot but it just won't come out-spent 45 min. trying. It don't seem like this motors ever been caressed before. anyway i just put a coil over the plug-went in fine. Drove it 6 miles and ran like new. But i don't like that plug being in there. I was thinking of removing the coil and filling the well up with pb blaster or wd40 and running it for an hour or so and then try to get it out- its in a sucky spot to. Any suggestions on this? 2) 02 e250 4.2l. Check engine lt., scanned it the other nite and p1336 misfire monitor hardware cmp misaligned, cmp/ckp exessive electrical noise. I cleared it and it comes back on koer test and as a pending code. Also when the motor is reved 2000 rpm and you release the gas you can hear a little squeel- i think it's coming from the syncro, the belt is new. The next shift a cht was ordered for it from a tec on the day shift who serviced it, my nite coworker put it in. I scanned it-no cmdtc, perform koer test-engine cold and a cht code for engine temp not reached or somthing like that(posting from home) comes upand thats it. I let the engine warm up almost to the middle and perform koer test and no cht code and p1336 comes up an id also pending. I believe the cht code was informational and not a fault because the engine did not reach operating temp. Only time i ever had to change a cht was when on intermittant crank no starts on crown vics and towncars whent the pcm gets a false reading and gos into overheat protection mode i believe.If the engine oveheats and pcm will set an cht overheat code which is informational. I checked the connector and it looks fine and wireing. Anyway i think this thing may need a syncro, i hav'nt had the time to pull the cmp and have look, though it gos into power ballance test evry time with no problem so i don't think the cmp is broke . Also cmp fault pid says no. It has like 250,+ miles on the clock. Thanks.
  6. It really sucks when you can do a job quick and efficiently and the ppl at the front desk stop handing those tickets to you.I had a similar exp. with the crown vic trans campaign. The 06 were nice, i think it paid almost 6hrs. with reprogram pcm if i recall correctly. i had them down to under 4hrs. They had me show other guys that were being paid small and every week i would get less and less. The worst part was those guys would not plug in the pds's to the wall when they were done.
  7. Yea well im glad fords not putting any kind of diesel in an a van after this model year because that means my co. will go mainstream on the fseries-i hope. The few fseries we have is a cinch to work on as compared to eseries-doing injectors, turbos RADIATORS etc. I never go home in pain after working on them. But all the engine work i do on the vans(excluding 7.3) has me in PAIN all over. The 6.0 in a van is a killer! Lately though not too many drivability concerns on 6.0 and my body thanks me for it!
  8. Our f series get the typical head gasket concerns, but we never have to pull heads for overheating concerns on the eseries just for those pesty rocker carier seals. Though this one in parrticular though got me wondering. It don't have any turbo issues. Were keeping an eye on it, next time it stops in i'll drive it good and probe eot to ect span and check into it furhter.
  9. 08 e450 been burping up coolant for a while but does'nt overheat. I think it may be head gasket issue. This thing runs non stop pretty much. Did anyone ever put a head stud kit in a eseries or recomend it?
  10. Any of you guys ever shop at trader joe's or whole food markets? All the food they sell is organic and the meats are all grain fed and fish not raised in those farms etc. The prices are right-the meats can be a little bit pricy though but not that much.They hand out free coffe and snacks, they sell rolled up fruit snacks for the kids at 50 cents a bar-beats candy and is cheaper. The best part about going shopping there is i take my 6 year old daughter with me and she likes going food shoping now-she actually eats a complete home cooked meal.
  11. It's here today for a ps leak, i scanned it and Pass
  12. I set my hair on fire once trying to start an old continental, big fireball shot out of the carburetor and landed on my hair. Thats actually the last time i used ether.
  13. Mbl35

    Escape pto seal

    Brain fart on this one it's been a few years since i removed a case on an escape-for trans r&r. But ok i just hope the last guy who rnr the alternator did'nt scuff the inner seal or maybe it's just what ran out and residue on frame from last time axle was out. i drove it around for a while and rechecked it and it was dry. Well soon see. Also the trans fluid level was never low.
  14. Mbl35

    Escape pto seal

    Thanks, changed the outer axle seal and re used the dust seal, im hoping its leaking due to an axle removal to remove the alternator-hoping.
  15. Mbl35

    Escape pto seal

    Oh, you mean the innerseal where the case meets the tranmission? Yea i r&r a few trans @ the dealer and 02 is a real pain, i just thought the outer seal was worn, i'll keep a eye on it and i still have the rest of the seals. Thanks.
  16. Though guys at work use it to get units in the shop, usually 6.0 with starting issues, i prefer the forklift. This guy was trying to start his own van.
  17. Yea and apoint a powerstroke czar to regulate all those issues oops too late for that.
  18. Ron Paul is a great man and I believe he has what it takes to save this country. I know there's a lot of lies and brain washing going on at fox that's why I said I need to find a nuetral news entity or somthing to thatr efect-posting from my phone. They are out there. Just not on the tv.
  19. Im no Republican, i'd rather have my health care benifits that i pay for for ME. And even with the unperfect system we have now in an unperfect world i'll keep it. Thats just the way i feel at this point.With whats proposed with this new system asiunderstan stand it(not having all the time to read in to it because of work and sleep), the insurance companies won't be able to compete with an entity that makes the rules for everyone, makes and breaks it's own rules and has an unlimited budget. I see the expensive cost of healthcare skyrocketing out of control in the next few years and they may go out entirely because they can't compete with the company that was created to break them. Now this is how i understand it. Now when i get a break i'll do some reading about the subject from a nuetral news agency if i could find one. And the reason you have fox is because the other four major networks are one sided, so in whats left of this democracy you must have an oposition. If everyone had the same opinion about everything just think how dull things would be. You would have only one auto manufacturer, not much choice in food, very little sports to watch, one political party etc....
  20. Oh yea what if this new system were supose to get checks your health record and then does a cost cap analysis say like the hotline has you do to see whats MORE COST EFFECTIVE to overhaul motor or replace the motor. What if it's one of those situations when you need a pacemaker or some other type expensive kind of proceedure and or treatments and they tell you just to live with it because you exeeded your healthcare cost limit. I tend to agree with Aaron. One of my customers just had a hip operation, i watched him live with excruciating pain for a while now, hes been laid up for a few weeks and now he's feeling better.
  21. Mbl35

    Escape pto seal

    02 ford escape rt. halfshaft seal (pto outerseal) leaking. Four ford dealers and a partshouse supplied the wrong seal over a weeks time. I drove out to Long island yesturday and 1 local parts supplier had it and only them. They gave it to me in a bag with 4 seals-transfer case reseal kit for 22 bucks and change. This isn't so much of an oddball part to get is it? I don't recall having so much trouble getting an axle seal like this.
  22. Clogged radiators extreamly common overhere.
  23. Nope, i did'nt see him spraying that stuff in there. We put 5 qts. in and it started and ran fine.
  24. The last time i had a p0606 code coolant got into the pcm connections, it came in for a crank no start. I did'nt want to chance drying off the pcm and connectors and hope for the best so i replaced the pcm and it's been good since then.
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