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    canada newfoundland

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  1. no this is new issue sence work was prev done on it
  2. going take it apart now and dead head each side / air test again / nasty ass job / super duty would be a joke lol
  3. hey guys got Econoline in shop / starts when cold 6.0 was in for no start just about month ago had new harness installed by another tech he also replaced 2 injectors because the connectors were broken and silconed to hold harness in place / was running but now it don't start when hot . check icp seen it was only building just over 200 psi when hot / removed ipr seen some dirt filings in screen so I replace ipr and installed new pump / install stand pipes updated ones / also changed the oil and installed oem oil filter with oem oil cup / took it for a spin got engine hot and still have issue decided to start from beginning test the base oil pressure notice base pressure is at 75 psi ran the engine till it was hot and the oil pressure was still at 70.75 psi at idle removed oil regulator at front cover and replaced /still seeing oil pressure high . little confused on this because Im thinking this is a restriction that's poss to high pressure pump to not build enough pressure to start / any thoughts
  4. Canadian diesel online
  5. truck was in with engine light on p207f with force limit power in dash . replaced nox sensor update pcm , truck returned aprox. 200km later truck returned with same code further diag lead to replacing particular filter assembly cat. sent truck off with custumer and returned once again with same code and issue followed ppt . rd ka w . anyone have this issue just recurring p207f. poss. egr issue throwing nox sensor out of range , didn't seem to find any issue with air intake leaks .
  6. what is a bad reading or fuel trim reading if you have a bad injector . what is a good trim value? anyone help me
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