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Everything posted by dpurvis

  1. i would agree with jim. have had 2 similar and found roller on lifer slightly flattened in one spot. both got motors.
  2. have heard of this from several scources, have heard many claims of hotline saying stop doing them but i have done many with no problems and have never seen any notices through ford. hope luck stay's with me. i did hear one source had started a session with engine running and was told this is what caused it.
  3. "within the oil change maintenace interval" seems wierd, sounds like they are saying with new clean oil the noise will be there but as the oil gets dirty it goes away or significantly at least.
  4. once you get in there if you can verify the harness shorted i suppose you could just replace it. i'm sure thats what ford would say, but if there's any dought i'd replace the pump also, always hate to have to do the work all over again.
  5. have heard of customers saying they lost mileage, but ford actually claimed better milage. they say original calibration was 18% better than 6.4 was and the new calibration was 20% more. guess time will tell. but i do know most customers tend to say that always. they also always claim power is down, but i guess they won't with this one.
  6. need to say i think carbon black is just a slang word they used for an additive don't know the actual additive.
  7. i was told carbon black was put in at the plant. don't know if it can be gotten yet. have seen some oil changes cause tick , was told oil changed too soon. also was told the noise will quit with more miles even without the additive. maybe they have decided it may not or it takes too long.
  8. it's my understanding with the new 6.7 the customer has to watch a video before delivery with his salesman and it tells him all this and then he signs aknowlegement.
  9. on the new intelligent oil minders you mentioned jim, at my 6.7 certifying class the instructor told us absolutely you can pull up all that data as to any maintainence, whenever the cluster tells the customer and when it is reset, and he said the customer better have the receipts to prove it.
  10. glad to see you made it home after ecoboost class. howed you like that k.c. rush hour? all you can do is tell them what they need, to bad so sad. danny of grandview.
  11. should be 328-00008, elc contamination kit. just as a note i have a bulletin #10-069 stating if coolant depleted you will have to flush out old coolant and refill with new. the vc-12 won't be available till december 2010.
  12. thanks for the info will keep that in mind. the only problem we have had was def line mashed by transport. have sold several already.
  13. no. the iolm will tell you if you need def whenever low, independent from oil life. oil change time is just the easiest way to stay ahead of it and kill two birds with one stone. in most cases the def will last longer than oil change interval. but there is always exceptions to the rule.
  14. i was told at training that is to stop snow getting in intake. the two step filter is merely to clear the foam. also was told the foam will probaly be thrown away as not necessary.
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