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Everything posted by deezul

  1. I have an early build 2004 f350 with the complaint of stalling, rough running and hard to re-start when stalled... This truck came to me three months ago with similar complaints. Code p0341 was present. I replaced the cam sensor and then scoped the signal, the pattern was good with no issues present. I returned the truck to the customer and all was well. Well...this week the truck has stalled twice on the customer. The only code present is p0299. Cannot duplicate stalling and/or rough running. It's idle is a bit more harsh than a comparable unit but it does still perform well without any noticeable issues... Power balance shows no signs of issues, relative compression has 0% across all cylinders, EGR test passed, fuel pressure is at 105-110psi, crankcase pressures good as well. Inspected harness, wiggled harness, inspected ICP and IPR connectors and sensors. Checked for harness wear under FICM... Monitored the usual pids and cannot come up with anything.. I have read other posts relating to my issue but still come up with dead ends.. I have captured some screen shots of the PIDS at idle and at 1170RPM (or whatever the max command is for RPM) for shits to see if someone can see something I may be possibly missing. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance... A link to photobucket pics: http://s892.photobucket.com/albums/ac128/auto_union/Powerstroke%20Issues/
  2. This issue occurred to me last week. Error when re-programming and could not gain access after that, had to end up replacing pcm.
  3. I showed up last week (as well as three other ford techs) to a course in London but nobody else showed nor did the teacher I guess Gasoline Performance just isn't on the agenda for me. That has been the second time that course has been canceled on me...
  4. Most auto mechanics at work carry on like homeless people. Always beggin' for spare change at coffee break and snatching up other people's chemicals and weekly rag bundles...
  5. I was reading an older post from "cbriggs - one pissed off customer" and laughed at the mention of seventy percent of people not trusting their mechanic. I remembered this chart that my buddy forwarded to me one day...it's worth a laugh, at least.
  6. Haven't done a FICM since the relatively new "half-shell" has come out..
  7. "the 6.0 can't introduce engine oil into the fuel rail.. but it ain't like I've never been wrong before" I currently have an '04 6.0L that has engine oil in the fuel bowl, problem solved by replacing all eight injectors.
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