If they bring the truck to me, it is a minimum of 1hr. Just to PMI the thing. If we have to hook up IDS, (even to pull a code) it is an hour charge. I never, ever, ever leave the dealership during working hours to go diagnose/pass an eye/brother in law a truck. If they want the quality of service that comes out of our shop, they can do just like everyone else. Set up the appointment and get the truck to our shop. Just because they need there truck yesterday doesn't make their money any better than the person in front of them.....Granted, there are exceptions to the rule {ie; guy blew a cac boot pulling a grade with his taj mahal in tow 3000 miles away from home with his wife, mother in law and triplets in the truck} but, at that point...human compassion takes over and it is just a matter of paying your dues to society. My useless .02, anyway.