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Matt Saunoras

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Everything posted by Matt Saunoras

  1. Hey I've got an 08 E-350 cutaway here that has a leaking 37 gallon factory aft axle tank. I had the customer call Titan and they said their replacement 40 gallon will not fit and it was not designed for the eseries cutaways. Has anyone ever put a Titan tank on an eseries? They make a 40 gal tank specially for the PS-191 sending unit but I can't imagine what it would fit if it doesn't fit a cutaway.
  2. I loved that true trac I had in my 06. It had the best street manners hands down and it really did the job when you needed it.
  3. We're hiring too, big surprise, no takers. A good flat rate tech could make a killing in our shop. All we've got are green horns, grandpas and me.
  4. Okay, and update and resolution to the story. The warranty claim paid for the complete engine assembly. Ford does not want the engine back for inspection, just the core returned to our powertrain dealer. So I pitch the idea to my service manager, lets give the shiny black core to the towing company for their rollback which I couldn't successfully repair. Right away he said no but after he had a chance to think about it he came around. We gave them the core from the construction truck with the instruction to remove their engine, remove their new rear engine cover and install the cover on the core. Then of course they are to return their old engine so we can receive core credit. I printed out everything from the WSM and gave them the rear main seal installer/wear sleeve remover to borrow. It all went off without a hitch. They've had their rollback on the road for over 5000 miles with the construction companies 6007 minus the bent dowel. I really hope this engine lasts them, if anyone deserves it they do. btw my GM is still an asshole
  5. Finished up the 6.7 fuel system today on that F-550 roll back. This thing has been here forever but I can't do anything about that. I've been damn sick of being at work 10-12 hours a day plus Saturdays so I stopped putting in so much time. Then what happens? The other guy on my side gets hurt, goes off for 2 weeks and I get backed up beyond belief. It's been a rough start for the year.. Next week is 2 sets of e-series injectors and the locked up 6.7 dump.
  6. I learned my lesson about unnecessarily running an engine when it has severe damage. I tried to drive the one longblock I just did in the building and it locked up on the way in. Pulling that engine with the monster torque converter still attached is no fun.
  7. Sold coolers and 8 injectors on the e series.
  8. Yeah but the location of the stock EBP tube causes issues with clogging when there is no horizontal cooler there. It seems like all the moisture collects at the bottom of the egr doc pipe with no where to go.
  9. The first e-series 6.0 I ever worked on almost 4 years ago to the day is here. Big box van, wouldn't fit in the old shop so I had to work outside. I haven't seen it since then, it's under different ownership now Edit - oil in the coolant and the fuel tank is leaking
  10. You get a long block installation kit don't just assume its got everything. How about some missing injector copper washers. Of course they're not available seperately.
  11. Nah I don't pull regular cabs because of my 18k lifts. I got the 6.7 engine stand adapters I'll just pull the long block and do it on the stand. It's gonna be rough with the converter still attached though, probably wind up with a partial cab lift.
  12. I'm finally getting back on track after having the other guy here gone for a few weeks. Working on a 6.7 longblock that locked up on the way in the building. Next to it is a 6.7 rollback fuel system. In the drive lane is a 6.0 ambulance for 8 injectors, a turbo cleaning plus heater hoses. Outside is another 6.0 ambulance that has no high oil pressure and another 6.7 dump that locked up. No cab pull on it
  13. So..what's your level at now..and are you putting any skill points into the lock picking tree? Sorry..had to do that....I just got back into playing a thief character on Skyrim and couldn't resist.
  14. If you didn't figure it out you can change the speed controller without fully removing the heater box. You still have to loosen it but the last one I did I was able to shim the box out far enough to access the controller without draining the coolant or evacuating the a/c I've done about a half dozen of these now. Getting the heater box nuts on a diesel is a little interesting.
  15. Nah I was an asset student. I've got a associates degree in engineering from the local community college. That got me places, I'm now picking tool boxes for a living.
  16. I've been practicing lock picking and had some success with cheaper padlocks. First order was to pick the ASSET kids new Husky brand tool box. Got both top and bottom open and since he comes in afternoons now I left it for him. The look on his face was priceless. Needless to say he doesn't even lock it up anymore.
  17. A few years ago I had a 6.4 with an aftermarket crankcase vent canister installed. It was restricted and the pressure buildup in the engine eventually blew out the high pressure turbo compressor seal and caused the engine to ingest a bunch of its oil. The intake manifold was soaked and the pistons/heads had severe carbon built up. I have also seen a few 6.4s with high crankcase pressure that drops substantially when the cac tubes are disconnected. I believe the theory is that the high pressure turbo compressor seal can leak boost into the crankcase. There is really nothing stopping boost from flowing into the crankcase once it is past the seal and since the air is compressed within the housing this is possible. I would think a 6.4 turbo that leaks boost into the crankcase is also going to be leaking oil into the intake when the turbos are not boosting. Thick black sludge in the compressor outlet would tell the story.
  18. Honestly it's all completely melted here. We got off easy
  19. Use the PCM for whatever year the vehicle is. You would not be able to use an 03 PCM, the communication is different I believe (no CAN) I have seen an 05 super duty with an 03 engine and it was fine, the ICP wiring was extended on the 05 harness. Also the late ICP sensor in the rail will fit in an 03 just fine so you can swap sensors with a known good one
  20. Oh yeah we have that marvelous piece of garbage
  21. Good stuff. When you start an IDS session on a new IDS that has never seen the vehicle it will ask you "is this the correct vehicle" Select "no" and it will prompt you to enter the vin, tear tag, etc. That is usually how you can trick them into programming. I believe hotline calls this blank path programming
  22. I was venting yesterday because hotline had me pissed off with their cut and paste responses. They offered zero assistance in the ways of leading me in the correct direction for the repair. I have never touched a 3.7 engine or even seen one in the shop and I still knew to suspect the water pump came apart. The police interceptor I am working on is still under powertrain warranty and I wasn't aware that prior approval would NOT be needed for my situation. I believe they changed our requirements for 16 but I'm not sure. I went ahead on my service managers instruction and submitted a voluntary prior approval. I was worried on tear down that I would not find enough damage to warrant a long block replacement. I was wrong. Cams scored, mains scored badly, left side intake valves hit the pistons and bent, cylinder walls scored. The engine was definitely overheated as my lower intake gaskets were all melted. The main pictures they wanted were a shot of the lower end, upper valvetrain and a cut open oil filter. You wouldn't be able to see any damage from the first 2 pics I sent but I sent about 15 additional ones showing it. Also what grinds my gears is SLTS. How am I to determine if its more cost effective to install a bare block and crank + all bearings VS a shortblock if there are no labor ops for a bare block?
  23. Luckily that's what this is, base powertrain warranty. I have never torn down a gas engine run on coolant so I don't know really what to expect.
  24. I have setup bearings I made for a Dana 60. They work the same in a super duty front axle and an e-series SRW rear axle. It really does take a long time to set up axles correctly. I've set up the last 4-5 ring and pinion sets the best as I could and while it feels good to know it's right, it isn't gonna pay what it's worth. For the record I bought all the 10.5 pinion tools which do work well. The first Dana 80 I have to do is going to hurt the wallet. We have zero anything for that diff.
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