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Matt Saunoras

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Everything posted by Matt Saunoras

  1. Got a bunch of crap here but most interestingly an 04 F-450 6.0 no start. No fuel pressure the pump is just pushing air. Got it in the shop by letting the HFCM draw from a 5 gallon diesel can. Fuel gauge says 1/2 tank, sender ohms out at 100 ohms which should be 1/2. There is definitely no fuel in the tank though. Called a sending unit on it only to find this once I crawled up under the body to release the fuel lines. Needless to say I was about $1200 low on the estimate.
  2. A few months ago I made a post when I was looking for that elbow piece in the center lower part of the pic
  3. This is a simple case of repeating something you read on the internet without actually knowing anything about the subject. Makuloco is an internet tech, he mostly posts simple common repair directions and promotes his videos. He definitely has no business talking about the diesel side of it. The only place I have heard of glow plug tip failure is on the public message boards. Ford knows this concern is directly associated with the exhaust valve face cracking and eventually chipping a piece off. The glow plug design change just added to the confusion. If I get a chance I'll post some pics of the cracked valves I took out of an early 6.7 that had main bearing failure. Had we not known about the valve issues I never would have found these and replaced them.
  4. Sold balljoints, RF tierod, and trac bar ball joint/bushing on the 6.4
  5. So far today done a HFCM in a 6.0 and looked at a 12 F-450 with a weird bobble vibration around 45mph. Brand new double coin 19.5s all the way around, I suspect they weren't balanced. I think the last time I felt vibration from a cab and chassis they had the same kind of tires. Next up is some t-stats on a 6.4
  6. Wow, a mobile column lift to pull a cab? Man I would love that.
  7. Yup any restriction in the lines or air getting in the fuel can cause the pump to be noisy. How did the sending unit look when you had it out? I'm not sure how the steel tank sending units are but the plastic midship has a bowl that can collect various items dropped into the tank accidentally.
  8. P20BA? I do a lot of heaters for that code, only one ever for a level sensor fault. Basically had near zero concerns for NOx or SCR issues.
  9. Still can't get this claim paid. Our service rep, who gave the okay to begin with, basically said...... too bad, so sad. The rollback still sits in our lot. I proposed an idea that since we already have to eat an entire engine (the core is the nearly new 6007 with a bent dowel pin) that we just put it in the rollback and switch the rear cover with the new one they already bought.
  10. I finished up an 06 F-350 6.0 I haven't seen in a few years. Got a #5 injector, ficm and a left bank of glow plugs. These plugs were the worst I've ever done, every single harness broke off in the rocker box. I should have taken my own advice and pulled the injectors and popped the harnesses out from the inside. Nope, struggled my ass off and basically picked them all to pieces from the outside. Very irritating.
  11. Cab on. Pull the EGR cooler and crankcase vent canister. Totally opens up the top of the engine and makes injector access a breeze. Screw working through the inner fender wells.
  12. I hit full this morning which is at 100% and either missed the normal message or it didn't tell me when it started regen. The filter message just started counting down as I was driving.
  13. We're gonna see here soon. I should be coming up on a regen at any time. I'm at 95% on my exhaust filter message I'm wondering if this is the same as OCR (stationary regen) or if this will be something new, like you can choose when to dynamic regen.
  14. Mine is a 15, the other guy here has a 14, I'll have him check his too Here is an actual screenshot
  15. I'll go check right now Yup it's there. Like Keith said, under programmable parameters > personality > enable "forced regeneration request." This configures the instrument cluster, no PCM programming involved. I'll attach a better screenshot
  16. I thought that the DPF load pid went up to 200% on the IDS for a totally clogged filter and the regen trigger was 100%. I guess an actual 85% reading would be nearly clogged like Bruce said. Hmmmm
  17. I have never found anything like that on my 15 which has the productivity screen like that.
  18. My area is a disaster right now. My benches are loaded up with turbos, parts and random crap I can't throw out. You definitely know they're the diesel bays. Hell I even have a stash of junk up on a 1 story high platform back in our compressor room. Only access it via 8ft ladder.
  19. I bet the older 03-04 trucks don't have the catalog updated. In that case you can just look them up for a 6.4, it's sure to have them listed.
  20. $600 lifters? 8C3Z-6C329-B comes with 4 lifters and the updated guide. Ford's cost = $49.05 suggested retail = $77.86 x 4 your only looking at $311.44 even at full retail.
  21. The 211 is perfect for what I need it for. It'll weld on 110 or 220v which is the main reason I got it. 220v welds the best but that's not always possible. My dynasty will do stick also but I don't have any practice with that.
  22. I've posted this pic before. It's the best shot I have of my main box.
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