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Everything posted by Ficm

  1. Hey Guys, I had a truck 2008 F450 4x4 with the above code and ABS light on,I monitored LF WSS pid and verified no input, stayed 0km/h. I did some PPT's and replaced WSS. I performed visual inspection on WSS tone ring inside hub assembly and noticed two teeth sideways as oppose to straight. I attached some photos. Has anybody come across anything like this? What could be possible cause? Wheel bearings were tight.
  2. Hey guys, I want to set up a 6.4L Performance Pid list on our IDS that I can monitor during a road test to aid in diagnosing driveability concerns. The pid selection is so vast, I suppose I just want to narrow it down a bit. Can anybody help me out? Thanx Matthys
  3. Hey guys, figured ill post some more 6.7L EGR cooler failure pictures. We have done multiple egr cooler repairs on fleet municipal pick up trucks used in street operations, I take it they idle a lot. Observations during repair were bent egr bypass valve doors and for some reason second half of cooler plugs up. Is the egr cooler setup maybe to effective at times...
  4. The decision to use TerraClean was unfortunately made from the powers that be, as for me I'm skeptical. As you said Keith, a properly running engine should not have a lot of coking, I share the same belief. I'll try locate previous discussions.
  5. Sorry guys I forgot to mention that TerraClean is a Canadian company, not to sure if they sell in the US. On the 6.4l you simply remove the EGT sensor at the top of the vertical EGR cooler and plumb in their apparatus that's hooked up to 50psi regulated shop air. Unplug the EGR valve connector, run half of TerraDiesel EGR and Induction cleaner through exhaust side engine running. Plug EGR valve connector in, run other half solution through intake. It supposedly removes carbon deposit from EGR system and reduces regeneration cycles? www.terraclean.net
  6. I'm no engineer but how does the thermostat cause the rad to fail, does it have something to do with a pressure spike? I suppose with low coolant, the cooling system runs hotter due to inefficient volume.
  7. Hey guys, I work at a municipality, we have got a large fleet of 1 ton Ford diesel trucks. We added Terra Clean to our maintenance program, a decision taken by the big wigs. It's supposed to improve fuel quality/burn and there is also a EGR Induction cleaning kit/procedure that cleans egr valve, intake and exhaust side of soot build up. They assure less smoking, coking issues and better fuel economy, ect, ect. Does anybody have experience with this product and is it worth it?
  8. Does anybody know what Ford's explanation is for radiator failures on the 6.4L engines? I am familiar with updates to the cooling system, ie updated coolant hoses, single port degas bottle and venture tee.
  9. She is running like hot damn, WOT 55-60PSI pulling a hill and 65PSI at idle. I learnt something new, thank you once again. I took some pictures but I'm not sure how to post them.
  10. Thank you for your input guys. It's a cab and chassis with a dump box. The fuel pick has got metal strainer similar looking to oil pick up bottom. I missed checking the two cylindrical filters, will check it out. I suppose the fuel pressure regulator valve is not a commen failure?
  11. Hey Guys, got a 7.3L, complaint is low power and engine sputter pulling a hill. No DTCS. Fuel filters and transfer pump has been replaced. Check fuel pressure at left hand side fuel rail, idle 55-60PSI WOT pulling hill drops to 10PSI. Fuel pick-up screen clean in tank. Could I possibly have a fuel pressure regulator problem?
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