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About lmorris

  • Birthday 05/19/1969


  • Member Title
    Diesel Fitter

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  • Location
    Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Canada
  • Dealership Name
    Heartland Ford

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  1. I acquired one like that, used it for a year and a half, now it's gone. I hope someone gets as much use out of it as I did.
  2. 2016 F550 service body, 6.7L. 169,730 KM We believe they have the tuner cranked.
  3. Mustang owners are never happy with any service performed to their vehicle. Someone else installed a short throw shifter incorrectly. I had to remove the transmission to replace a loose shift damper and installed the shifter correctly....and I'm the asshole🤪.
  4. The Isolation Meter detects insulation resistance up to max. 8 GΩ (with auxiliary voltages of 250, 500 and 1000V). In addition, this Isolation Meter offers a measuring function for DC and AC voltages up to max. 950V DC and 700V AC as well as resistors up to max.
  5. 2014 Focus, we finally have TCM's in stock!!!
  6. They just kept on driving it. It chewed up the housing eventually. They only brought it in because it no longer moved.
  7. I would have to say that something has been sucked into the pump at some point and is plugging the inlet.
  8. I will definitely look into that before winter. Thanks. Sure did, had the valve cover off and made sure everything was clean. This thing has 240,000 KMs on it now. It uses a litre of oil per tank of fuel in the city. Not so much on long highway trips though. I am assuming a combination of the crappy oil ring set up and the throttle closing on decel.
  9. It's hard to explain. You have to try to install the ELD carrier with the tabs 180° out to be able to visualize the issue . The tabs are off set and it only goes in one way.
  10. With enough determination, anything is possible. Here's the proof.
  11. For the first time in forever, I worked Dec 26. The entire Dealership was open till 3:30.
  12. Have my wife's 2011 GMC Terrain in my bay currently. Last Thursday the PCV froze up and blew out the rear main seal. Managed to get that replaced over the weekend. Today I had it in cleaning out the PCV system. The tiny hole in the center plugs up and causes all kinds of issues.
  13. Could just be self testing the fan clutch. I didn't think the 6.4L did this, bit maybe.
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