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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. I was under the impression that the 6.4L used both banks for regen and Ford changed it to the left bank only on the 6.7L, to save the EGR valve.
  2. Our Ford trainer here in Edmonton has said there is no training in the works for the Transit diesel engine.
  3. Diesel in the oil is caused by either an injector leaking at the jam nut or the front seal on the HP pump leaking fuel into the crankcase. Oil in the coolant is typically the oil cooler. Not common but does happen. To determine were the fuel is leaking from you need to drain the oil and run the low pressure fuel pump for a bit with the oil drain plug out, if you start to see fuel run out the drain hole(about 15 minutes) you need to replace the HPFP. If not, fill the oil and put some dye in the upper fuel filter housing. Remove both valve covers and run the engine with the FRP at around 10000 PSI. Look for leaks. Before doing this though you may have to fix the coolant contamination issue first. Going to be pricey for the customer if its off warranty, but that's what happens when you don't pay attention to your engine.
  4. SO......I just reprogrammed PCM for the P0088 and now the EGDE tuner no longer supports this PCM level.....GRRRRRR. Even after updating the tuner. Update: Phoned the guys at Edge. They have the new calibration but have yet to crack it. I am one of many on a mass email list for the release. Update #2: got in contact with Egde. They rolled the PCM back to the level before the last update and we put the tuner back in. Will have to do the Ford update when the Edge update is official. Real nice guys to deal with.
  5. I've been pulling wrenches since 1989. With a year off 1990-91 because I was let go due to lack of work and drove a delivery truck till I was hired on at Midas. I have always wanted to get into home construction. Now more-so because my house needs some doors and windows done and the roof soon to follow.
  6. Anyone have any run ins with this? Customer won't turn through a set of lights now because he is worried he will get hit. I drove it around, literally in circles for 30 minutes. Could not verify. Current fuel level is 40% full. Could it aerate the fuel if the tank was low enough? Would it set a code in this case? There are no codes in this thing for either the PCM or TCM. Update: after talking to the customer, the RPMs drop off but it doesn't stall, if he plays with the pedal it comes back. Have another customer complaining of the same thing.
  7. I went with the large. It came in on friday and fits nice. Thanks for the input.
  8. Any one leave the t-stats in for a maintenance flush, if so how effective is it?
  9. Digging up an old thread because I want to, kidding. I have one here that sets P012F after regen. PPT AT has threshold listed at 16-30F depending on load and engine speed. On my roadtest I was hovering around 18F which is normal I guess. Has anyone ever monitored this during regen? I suppose it could send it high, but I wonder if this truck will, seeing as it is on the low end of the scale for now. It does have a coolant leak at the usual upper rad hose and coolant is down but not too bad. No overheating. No history of major coolant leaks that could end in cavitation either. Thoughts?
  10. Try Dropbox. You get 5 GB of free space and you can share files with others, or sync between computers. Google drive can be used to upload files and sync to multiple computers as well, they give you 5 GB free as well.
  11. Our other tech had the same issue, no start after TBC install. Only these guys managed to actually short out the BCM and fried it. New BCM fixed her right up.
  12. Is there anyone with a large or extra large jacket that would measure the arm length, inseam from pit to wrist? I need a 22 inch inseam on the sleeve with it being no bigger than a size 46. Thanks.
  13. I think its the 5w20 oil they use. Many people have claimed switching to even 10w30 helps.
  14. Sure would be nice to know what they did. Did they play with allowable parameters or did they find a different way to control the fuel pressures to prevent them from spiking high?
  15. I was just told by hotline on my last Prior approval for a HP pump that I need to reprogram the PCM and resubmit if the concern re-occurs. IDS needs to be at 79.05. Performed the reprogram and concern is fixed. Now to find out what they did to work around changing the pumps. Can't wait to see what happens when this hits other boards and people who paid retail for a pump start asking for their money back.
  16. This is #2 for me. First one was on it's way to California from an auction house just up the road. Stock F350. Same symptoms, had new pedal before we got it. Acted up twice for me then started working fine. No chafes found anywhere. DPF working fine. The current one in my bay has a new DPF in it. But has since been in twice because they don't let it regen properly. Is not currently acting up. They said it quit on the highway. Could this be a result of very high pressures at the DPF? Any others found this issue and managed to fix it?
  17. No UV dye was not used. When it came in the first time I could see no leak. The block was dry. Just by chance I focused on the harness and saw it was slightly wet, so I unplugged the CMP and oil started dripping out of the connector. I traced the harness all the way up to the top of the engine and found no other sources of oil entering the harness. The second time it came back with the same thing. This time I also found the upper rad hose was starting to leak. I can't see that having anything to do with the oil leak. Unless there is something in the harness that can look like oil if hot enough and washed with coolant. Anyways, the customer is going to keep an eye on it for us.
  18. Just a warning to those with Windows 7 laptops that move around. If you are connecting to more than one network at various places, do not start an update and shut down the computer at one place, then restart it elsewhere when it asks for a restart to complete the update. Let it do its complete business before taking it with you. I did that and my silly computer had a brain fart thinking it needed to create a complete new user, as a result I had lost all my person settings, background photos, and shortcuts. I had to do a system restore, thank god I had it turned on, then bring it back to work to redo the update. And as far as system restore goes, pick one that DOES NOT contain any information or listing of IDS. I had to re-install 79 because part of the program thought it was at 79.04 and another part though it was at 79.05. Testman and all the background services would not start up......GRRRRR
  19. Anyone seen a CMP sensor leak through the pins and into the harness. Changed one 3 weeks ago because that was the only rational source for the leak and it's back with a wet harness again. It is possible I didn't clean the harness as good as I thought, but I just thought I would throw this out there to see if any others have run into this.
  20. Not high, average output from the low pressure pump should be around 75 PSI, from what I got during training. I would say your low pressure system is okay.
  21. That is exactly what I meant. Funny thing though. Just recently I was in the GTDI classroom course and the whole discussion on torque to yield came up. General rule of thumb is they can be used 3 times before they need replacing. Apparently they used to measure the bolt thickness and reuse if in spec, instructor stated it was cheaper just to tell us to us new ones. So reusing the EGR housing bolts is not that much of an issue knowing this. It does however save you some time doing the repair if you don't separate it from the adapter.
  22. Geez, tough break on the storms. Sorry to hear that. Guess my complaint about the heat fails in comparison. Looks like you had fun rafting though. Always wanted to try that.
  23. hit 32 C today, holy crap are we Sweatin it here. Supposed to last all freaking week.
  24. We had a 6.4L in yesterday with the same filter. Who would have thought they were so popular.
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