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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. Got a 2001 F350 that I just put a new oil pan on, along with rear cover reseal, rear main seal, new turbo pipe gaskets and a dipstick tube. Now the truck is stuck in the air because my hoist blew a hose when it got to the top and fell onto the locks...
  2. After many many years of online courses and classroom courses, as of today I became a Master technician.
  3. Repo'd 2011 F350. P0073, ambient air temp input high. The guy switched out the mirrors for older ones.
  4. Putting back together a 6f35 mid range for core on an 09 Escape. Luckily I found clutch material in enough stuff to warrant replacement.
  5. Here is the IDS licencing help line number: 1-866-583-8047 From what I can see on our site you need to be a dealer employed tech and need to set up an account. There is no information on non dealer techs, but the help line may be able to help you.
  6. Mitchel has the horizontal cooler listed at 7.4 hrs. I believe you can buy and EGR cooler kit that contains all the needed parts to replace the cooler. You only really need the 2 gaskets, rear bolts, front studs and nuts, and the 2 clamps. If you are not picky about putting the little clamp holder thingys in, you don't need to remove the holder off the exhaust manifold. If you are, then you will also need exhaust manifold gaskets. Note: the labour time includes time for exhaust manifold removal.
  7. Had one do that earlier today, mostly I think because there was a lot still plugged in the power outlets. Battery charger fixed that. I would take a good look at the DLC pins, maybe some crud in there giving a bit of resistance.
  8. I average 45-50 hours paid for 40 worked. Not bragging...
  9. http://atdtools.com/80050 Very nice and fits all Superduty pickups. Use the hood shocks on 2011 and up. They even work inside the cab for dash work. I had it hooked to my hoist arms while doing a HPP with the cab lifted.
  10. You will most likely need a tuner to turn off the MIL because of EGR flow codes. I doubt the $130 will cover that. After all is said and done it is cheaper and smarter to just keep the coolant maintained. If he is really worried about it, replace the oil cooler, flush the coolant real good, and make sure he keeps it maintained. You will also need the oring that goes on the PCV connection at the left valve cover. w302725 I believe.
  11. At least you were told it ran rough before it quit. By the time they get towed here all we get is "It won't start".
  12. And if you hold your tongue just right and don't mind bending the cowl just a bit, you can remove the pedestal with the housing still connected. Then you can separate them on the bench.
  13. Ditto...3 days ago. Did you tilt the cab and work through the fender well? Currently doing a turbo on a 2011 F550. Second so far, other was on an F350 chasis/cab. Same company owns both trucks.
  14. What you got to figure out is do you really need it, is the T4 worth it. I set up Facetime with my Dad in Victoria. Worth it to me and the kids. Plus I now have portable internet in the house with out having to go buy a laptop.
  15. Wiperblade upsells if you can believe it. Funny thing is I don't do enough services to upsell wiper blades. Everyone's name was put in for the draw, 2 of us that do mostly diesel and transmission work won them.
  16. ME.. Just won me a shiny new 16GB IPAD 2 from Ford. https://plus.google.com/u/0/111134555921766340086/posts/7wL2YqMFTL3
  17. Sure did. Would have been nice to include that very simple information in the SSM. Instead I was on hold for awhile waiting for the diesel team, then transfered over to the module team. The fix took less time that I was on hold for. GEEZ A FRICKIN LOO.
  18. If anyone gets this message while attempting a reprogram and you have in fact started the IDS session KOEO, go into As-built data and download partnumbers for both the PCM and TCM. Then retry.
  19. I guess it all depends on how long they let the popping go for before they bring in the truck. IMO most of the fleet trucks here in Alberta stay in the field when they should be in the shop for repairs. What say you Jim?
  20. Sweet idea. Worked slick. BTW..if you get one that has the exhaust manifold threads damaged enough that the studs pull out when torquing the nuts, use a W302649 bolt. They are long enough to go past the damaged threads and grab the remaining good threads at the back of the hole.
  21. Wonder how long it will be till we find out what God Michael sacrifices to...
  22. Just had to order one, what a pain. Had to look in the WSM for basic because the damn parts catalog descriptions are shit. Its a 9E882 BTW.
  23. The legendary "Fuzzy Rad" syndrome. Legend has it that it surfaces as far south as us sometimes.
  24. 2008 F450 6.4L. Massive direct clutch failure. EGR valve and housing.
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