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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. So answer me this because I am confused. How would a shorted injector affect VREF for the ICP circuit?
  2. Do now, retail right turbo inlet pipe on a 2008. BTW, I made some decent money on that trans job. And the thing was recently overhauled.
  3. Well no-one forces you to listen to it, so on the same note don't feel obligated to post about it..just say'n... Besides, this is more about the man than the music. There was more to Adam Yauch than just The Beastie Boys. It doesn't hurt that they made kick ass music either..Just say',n
  4. Sounds to me like you have a short to ground in your signal return wire. Shorting Vref to ground WILL shut down the truck, it's supposed to, you mess with CKP and CMP when you do that. I assume the truck runs with the ICP connector disconnected. You may want to provide a MY for this one because the earlier trucks had some chafing issues that were fixed on the newer ones. Find you signal return and over lay it back to the PCM if you don't want to go digging into the engine harness. If you still have an issue then it may be internal to the PCM.
  5. Quote: Jim Warman:(that reads as your and my hard earned dollars, Leon) Never said I agreed with it Jim. I don't do CVIP's anymore, but no-one here would pass something just to look like the good guy. I just said it happens. Besides, the original question didn't pertain to CVIP's, OOP's or any other inspection. From what I have seen of the Alberta legislated used vehicle inspection, there is nothing on there about modifications either. So there you go, don't assume I endorse something just because I say it happens.....Just say'in.... So my answer to your question Keith is: No, here in Alberta there is no recourse to the dealership for selling said vehicles.
  6. Putting a used transmission in a 2003 Windstar.
  7. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainmen...-cancer-battle/ A sad day for anyone who listens to music IMHO.
  8. Here in Alberta, it has most likely happened quite a few times. Emissions enforcement does not happen here. My guess is that a new truck can not be sold with emission modified, but after that they are free game. I have seen a few go through our dealership with EGR deletes, DPF deletes. We will however offer to revert them back to stock if the customer wishes. That has only happened once though with a DPF deleted truck.
  9. Fixed. after removing the lower portions of each mount I noticed that the front 2 body mount bolt were not centered in the hole and were contacting the body. Repositioning the body fixed it.
  10. Posted in engine section, but seems more appropriate here. 2008 F250, lifted cab for a HPFP. Now I have a nasty vibration at 1500 RPM. Lifting vehicle on the frame will cause noise to go away, then I here a snap noise on light accell turning out of parking lot and noise returns. If you hard accelerate past 1500 RPM you will not hear/feel it. Tried retorquing body mounts on the floor and was no help. Will attempt to drive with mounts loosened to see what happened. Any input if greatly needed. Thanks. Edit: After removing lower portion of the body mounts I was better able to see that the front 2 bolts were not centered in the hole and were contacting the body. Re-positioning the body fixed the concern.
  11. I think it may be body related, as soon as I lifted it on the frame it went away. Then I have to drive it again for the noise to come back. I tried re-torquing the body mounts with it sitting on the floor but that didn't help. It is a definite vibration, I can feel it in the floor boards. I wonder if lifting the cab may have structurally changed it in some way. Edit: Nothing is contacting the cab. This is very annoying. I am going to loosen all the mounts slightly and drive it again. Will update my progress. Any other suggetions on body issues are welcome.
  12. The bypass stays closed. I did notice, when I had it all apart, that with the bypass flap in the bypass position there is a 1/8 inch gap, so it doesn't completely block off flow to the cooler. Excessive idle must be the issue here. Not sure how Ford intends to deal with this one. At least they are fairly easy to do. P0401 in memory. If it sets P2457 KOER you dig into TSB 12-03-13. If not you diagnose by PCED, but ends up being the same repair.
  13. 2011 F550 for a plugged EGR cooler. 2nd of 4 waiting to be done. All 4 trucks are oil field with high idle switches installed. We are wondering if the high idle we are installing on these trucks is allowing the cooler bypass to allow enough flow through the cooler to plug them up.
  14. Replaced a HPFP for P0088 yesterday. Roadtested and had no issues. Service manager drove it later on as it went into regen and I didn't have time to drive it for the customer. Customer picks it up later in the day and comes back stating there is a noise. Crawl under the truck and sure enough there is a rotating, scraping, rattling noise at 1500 RPM. Anyone else have to replace a new HPFP for being noisy?
  15. We were able to use them in our last class. Very nice, no crashes. Love the no cables part. They are capable of reprogramming anything wireless with no issues. We were told not to expect delivery before the end of May. They will be around 1000 Canuck-bucks.
  16. Using that theory worked well for those of us that used these Ford positive seals on many Chevy small block heads in place of the umbrella seals. Especially when they started burning oil past the valves.
  17. Not sure how far into the workings of Ford your instructor gets, but ours, and Jim can vouch for this, gets in pretty deep, and he won't share anything unless he is %100 positive. As far as FSE's go, well that's another story. They keep current on what's on the streets from my experience. Time will tell.
  18. I asked our instructor last week while at a transmission course. He verified that the 3.5L inline 5 turbo IS going to be the diesel option. When I asked him about the emission levels he stated that European diesel standards are higher than ours, making this engine more than adequate for us.
  19. Honestly, IMHO, if these guys are letting the fuel level get below 1/4, they deserve to put up with the noise. Too much can happen on low fuel levels.
  20. And I thought my kids were the only ones that made cool things out of Timmy's cups.
  21. My bad. This was for the P0401 TSB. Should have stated that. https://plus.google.com/photos/111134555...=CK-ih_qgkcC4NA Here is a pic of the cooler core.
  22. DO NOT SEPARATE the EGR valve from the bypass plate. Open the seal kit first and remove ONLY the bolts that are supplied in the kit. They can be removed as an assembly.
  23. It's a regular cab, my hoist arms are too long to do a cab lift. It is also too heavy to lift it high enough to get some big stands under the cab. So cab off was not an option. With the EVAP core out of the way the job was quite easy. Doing the pan on the floor, I found, was easier on my arms when putting the bolts back in. The truck sat high enough for me to move around with ease under it.
  24. 2 ways, the upper injector body oring, the ones that seal the fuel system, may be leaking, or you have an injector leaking out the weap hole due to internal failure. Put some dye in the upper filter housing and run it for 15 minutes on high idle. Remove the valve covers look at each injector for signs of dye.
  25. Go with "dumb ass", I get the same thing. So "dumb ass" fits nicely because they make themselves look like a "dumb ass". I come back with "Hey, It pays the bills, and I have more left over than you do each month...Idiot."
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