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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. If you read my original post you will see we have told the customer of the no warranty predicament and he is fully aware he may have to pay and is prepared to pay. If this ends up being caused by a HPFP leak that filled the crankcase, cause its not like that NEVER happens, then we have grounds to get him warranty. We are not going to be pricks about it, who needs the bad publicity. In our area Powerstrokes and trucks run the show, so we need to make sure we don't bite off the hand that feeds. Our management is completely aware and fully on board with helping this guy out if we can. Small update: Cab's off, removed the vertical EGR cooler and found coolant in both coolers and the EGR valve adapter on the intake. That's my smoke, should have no problem getting it covered now. Wonder how many rods are bent.
  2. Not what's in my bay but beside it.... Damn CO2 sensor has been going off for about an hour. It's driving me freaking batty. There is no air quality threat, I think the stupid thing is broken.
  3. From what I remember, the pump has 2 connections. One turns on the fuel supply, the other is the cold engine timing advance. If it won't run with the cold advance solenoid not energized I would hazard a guess and go with an injection pump. Get a second opinion on this first, as I am going off memory, it's been awhile since I even looked at an IDI.
  4. It has spartan diesel programming. I e-mailed them last night to see if they could shed some light on it. It just seems odd that I get these codes only after turning the HP down. I think I will put in a 40HP tune and see what happens. Can't do anymore damage than whats already done, so why not. After a lengthy discussion with service manager and our general manager, the consensus now is no warranty. Now to fix the engine, get him a new PCM and see if he will go find me some stock exhaust to put in. Turned out to be a corrupt file. Ran on stock programming and on 40HP DPF delete. The thing smokes so bad now that we are going to tear it down and hopefully find some fuel dye around the HPFP shaft seal, at least we can try to get some warranty out of this.
  5. We have had lock-up on 2 reprograms, but they have both recovered nicely. 76.02. 76.02A just popped up for download.
  6. Got an odd one here. 2008 F450. DPF delete and DashDAQ XL tuner. Running rough and smoking, #8 compression down, 220 PSI. Oil level was high, checked HPFP for leaks, none, ran with valve covers removed and fuel dyed, no leaks. Mist test on all cylinders got nothing. Checked into chip level, was set at 175HP DPF off. Vehicle has warranty but is flagged for possible modifications causing failure. At this point we told customer there is so far no tangible evidence to prove a warranty applicable failure to the engine. He gave the OK to continue diagnosis and would pay if not covered. I left #8 injector unplugged at this point because we wanted to run the engine to see if the HPFP would leak when running and didn't want any fuel to bypass #8 piston and mess up the test. Next course of action was to set the chip back to stock HP with only the DPF turned off. After doing this with the customer's blessing, apparently he has no idea how the chip works, the truck runs for about 30 seconds then shuts off. After 4 or 5 times of doing this it won't start unless you let it sit. Pulled the P062D and P062E Injector driver curcuit performance codes and started to diagnose, turns out it's in the PCM. Now for my questions: Will the chip run the injectors at a higher voltage and thus eventually burning out the injector drivers in the PCM? By putting it back to stock, do I now not have enough voltage to fire the injectors?
  7. How low is operating temp? Even in our coldest weather, -40C, with a good thermostat they still reach 180F on the highway. Anything below that I would be replacing the thermostat.
  8. Good luck in your new venture. Change is always a little un-nerving. Hope all goes well. Obviously if the company is that old they must be doing something right. The last place I worked at that was bought out went to shit because they were more intersted in money than personel. Hence the reason I followed my general manager here. Again, good luck to you.
  9. Diesel Power Magazine had an article back in October 2010 about future diesel technology for the BIG 3. While reading I came upon this: On the bright side, this peer review, dated June 10, 2010, announces that the innovations gleaned from their research efforts will go into a small, turbocharged, light-duty diesel of less than 5.0L. Read more: http://www.dieselpowermag.com/tech/1010d...l#ixzz1fEaMQ0kl
  10. The credit is money your dealership has already paid for VCM subscriptions. Most likely the old owners will recieve this back from Ford. It's up to them what they do with it. Just like buying a house with a sattelite dish installed. The previous owner is not going to let you use their subscription after you move in. Sucky but such is life when you buy something used.
  11. The turbo and engine calibration are different. The cab and chasis is rated around 650 ft/lbs torque vs. the 800 plus in the regular style trucks. Ford figures the guys who buy the cab and chasis want reliabilty over power. Horsepower is lower too but I forget the numbers, it's under 400 I think.
  12. Thats cause it weighs about half of what a diesel equiped truck does.......duh.... Mitchell has head gaskets listed at 19.7: Long block is 19.5, straight engine R&R is only 10.0.
  13. And the next big dump of snow we get, we all say, "!!!Dammit!!!, should'a bought that one when it went on sale. Oh well, next year for sure." And the cycle continues........
  14. How are you changing the rad on that 6.7L? I find it much easier and less stressful to use the 6.4L method instead of the WSM for these.
  15. Plus 1 on the STC fitting. Classic symptoms. Dummy plug orings usually give you a long crank cold. STC is usually a no start hot.
  16. 6L with a blown EGR cooler and is filled with water. Or should I say ice, block, turbo, pipes, all full of ice. It won't crank either, so I think there may be some ice in one cylinder. Got it plugged in for the night so we shall see what the morning brings.
  17. Here diesel has always been a few cents cheaper than regular. The other day I took a vehicle up to where we get our fuel because it was empty before doing my diag, only to find a sign on the pump saying no more diesel. Had to get the boss to drive around with a gerry can to find me some diesel before I could dig into it.
  18. We don't. Read this...... www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20111107/diesel-shortage-western-canada-111107 And those that do have some left are charging over $1.21 a litre. Thats more than premium gasoline.
  19. 2008 F350, HPP for the dreded P0088. Plus the rad is leaking. This thing has so much mud, that the mud on the rad weighs more than the rad itself. It's an Adesa auction unit, I feel for the guy that has to clean the rest of the truck after he buys it. I think the dried mud is the only thing that kept this rad from leaking out all the ccolant.
  20. Yearly we get a few Cobra, Luguna Seca, and Boss 302 Mustangs brought up from the U.S. Some have been bumped up to 600 plus BHP, some are factory. The lastest one we got in had the Trackey...holy shit that thing goes.
  21. We are one of those dealers. We get mostly newer diesel trucks, for all areas of warranty repair, so we always have high numbers. Ford flags us every now and again, but it is always business as usual. If we stopped doing warranty diesel work we would have to shut down because all the fleets would go elsewhere. From what I understand we are grouped into an exception group for diesel warranty repair numbers though. Ford still finds a way to make us squirm a bit though.
  22. Lately we have had a run of low pressure fuel pumps, both 6L and 6.4L. Mostly for open curcuit codes, one hadn't had a fuel filter change in 3 years. Needless to say he declined the rest of the fuel system repairs that we suggested. Surprised it still runs.
  23. We just found out that our entire shop needs to be rewired to accommodate the required dedicated Internet connection for each laptop. We currently all share one connection. Fun times are afoot.
  24. lmorris

    CP Diag

    The only thing .5 covers is a quick test and clear codes. Hope things work out for ya. There is nothing worse than management that screws you on diagnosis time. You may want to have "said management" go on a diagnosis walk through with you. After sitting watching for over an hour they may get the point. Good Luck.
  25. We have been informed by the Rotundra guys to not do these with the current R75 version of IDS because they are causing issues and blanking modules.
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