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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. lmorris

    CP Diag

    The thing with diesels is there is no set time for diagnosis. We charge for what we do to get the thing diagnosed. If you have access to Ford SLTS you can use them as a guide and multiply by 1.5. Mitchell has most of the times listed, you just need to go looking for them because they are scattered around depending on the system you are testing. As far as 6L HPOP diagnosis goes, we usually start by doing a simple air check on the IPR to see if it is functioning, check base oil pressure, then go onto valve cover removal and further testing from there. Charge what you think is appropriate for the air test depending on how far you get into it. Tell the customer that flat rating diesel diagnosis sometimes can't be done.
  2. We don't see warranty 6L EGR coolers much any more. But........I just recently put in an enhanced short block and it received new intake gaskets. Luckily the WSM says to inspect and replace as necessary in the disassemble section, which BTW, who reads disassembly much anymore anyways, they should have that in the assembly section as well. Lets hope this one goes through....
  3. I read somewhere the old VCM is supported to at least 2014.
  4. This new EGR cooler has no intake gaskets in the box and has a core charge. The rest of the EGR mounting gaskets and turbo gaskets are still there. And it includes the green PCV hose oring. For those who were not aware of this. Also the 3C3Z-9439-AA intake gaskets are no stock USA for now. I had to use a full intake gasket set to finish this job.
  5. No we still use the old 3/8 or 1/2 inch terms......
  6. They say the same for the 2008-2010 MY also. Never tried it myself. I usually heat the nuts first and claim the time to access them. No sense taking the chance of having them spin if you can get paid to access the cage nuts.
  7. Any word on how the software switch over will be handled? Just noticed the IDS software renewal link on INFORD. Says first quarter of 2012. We have a $1091.00 credit to our account also. I am assuming we download the new software and remove the old.
  8. Figured it out. FAQ helped..duh.. I uploaded the PDF and the scanned pics. I could not figure out how to rotate in PDF then save, so they are sideways and slightly cutoff. Feel free to use the scanned documents and do what you wish with them.
  9. Thanks for the link. Tested on my avatar pic, works nice. Thanks. When I converted them to PDF using the cutePDF it cut off some of the page. I can upload the PDF as well as the scanned pictures. Not sure how to upload them. Instructions please.
  10. I have one at home. Will try to get it done after work. Any particular format it needs to be saved as. I have scanned photos, but never a word document for uploading.
  11. You wouldn't believe how many of the forest fires in Alberta are started by careless idiots. Most don't hit the news because they don't end up like the Slave Lake fire. Very sad indeed. Lets hope the idiot that started this one has a heart and confesses.
  12. SVB 2007-29N is the bulletin. It's no longer available online. If you PM me a fax number I can send you a copy.
  13. The hours put it at 89,000 miles roughly. Last engine I did that looked like that had just over double the hours it should have. Ford never asked for hours on that one and we had all the records so it went through. Thats a crap load of idling time. I assume you told him to double up on his services.
  14. I'd be more willing to bet that his fuel comsumption gauge will be out but DTE may actually be close. IIRC, DTE is calculated using average consumption and tank level. With the larger tank and the fact that the PCM is calibrated to the stock tank, consumption will actually read as lower than what it really is. This should calculate DTE as higher, which should coinside with the tank size. The new tank is longer as well as deeper. I wonder if it will start setting overfull codes, as the actual level in the tank will be higher than the float can go. This may also throw off readings as the truck uses the fuel from a full tank and no fuel level drop is not detected. Then again, the customer may not give a crap what the readings are as long as the lower portion of the tank reads correctly and he gets some extra miles per tank.
  15. We too were a little perplexed at the 300 psi readings, until we tried it on a new truck and even borrowed our closest dealership's gauge. 300 psi is normal for us.
  16. The 2008 F350 I just finished installing the enhanced short block with 2 turbos is back in because the tail pipe fell off on the roadtest.
  17. See it all the time. That's what extra time is for.
  18. The cooler is there to protect the egr valve and intake manifold from being baked by the extremely hot exhaust. If that valve opens just after a high load run up, without the cooler it would do some serious heat damage.
  19. Lets face facts...after monday and tuesday are done...even the calender says W.T.F.
  20. We have. They are nice to install. Make sure you torque the fuel pick-up plate to spec or it will leak.
  21. It's like he is just asking for Jim to tear him a new one. I think Jim would be nicer to you if you just called him old....
  22. Not easy is right. It was a bit of an accident to tell the truth. Instead of pulling the PCM relay to shut down the truck we pulled the FICM relay, we then noticed that the cluster was working normally again. So we dug into the EVTM to look at the FICM diagrams, thats when the headache started. We swapped out FICM's and it was back to normal. Took a couple of hours.
  23. Ford needs to dumb down their cluster on these 2011/2012 trucks. I have had 2 customers come in complaining that, at cruise on the highway, the boost gauge will hang at 10 PSI and the instant fuel mileage monitor goes high. My thought is regen because I have never re-created the concern. Even after 75 KM of highway driving with the cruise on.
  24. We tried to trace the flow to see what curcuits it was back feeding through but started to get a headache, so we gave up.
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