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Everything posted by lmorris

  1. Guy finally came back. We ended up putting a new heater core in it. He also apparently did his own dump and fill, his version of a flush from what I heard. We tested the coolant, no signs of nitrate, but there was some brown crusty stuff in the heater core. Works great now. It possibly came from the engine.
  2. If you lube them up real good they will slide over the end of the bar. I have used both methods successfully.
  3. Honestly I have never heard of VC-11. It's not in any cooling system flush procedure I looked at. For gas they list VC-1. For diesel VC-9 Iron cleaner. The TSB for 6.4L contamination flush lists simple green. The WSM for 6.7L instructs to use hot water only then VC-9, for oil contamination. Simple green simply is the best way to go.
  4. No compression on #8, rest are 300 PSI. Nothing on the mist test. Nothing on the high pressure pump leak test. Glow plug and injector tip both look good. The valve train looks good. Really curious as to the loss of compression. Will post a pic when I get the head off. Update: #8 piston is split in 2 right along the pin line. There are a few little pieces in the pan, thus it also has a couple of holes in it. Given the condition of the other cylinders, which are fine, we are assumming a faulty piston or the injector stuck open.
  5. Had a 2006 F350 come in for not shutting off with the key and cluster stays on. Long story short, turned out that the FICM was back feeding power into the cluster and PCM.
  6. Finally something a salesman is usefull for.... On another note: Had to scrape all my car windows this morning....she's a coming boys, bundle up.
  7. IMHO it's a good idea to check those plugs when ever you have the valve covers off.
  8. I'd be telling the guy where to go as I turned the power off to the door.
  9. By unplugging the cam sensor it must be in default. I would hazard a guess that the cam with the trigger wheel is out of time enough to shut down the engine. Or the sensor or trigger wheel got damaged in the process.
  10. Our general tech got to do his first right side up pipe yesterday. He is quick at pulling trannies, had it running leak free in just over 5 hours. I think he should get them all now.
  11. I liked the way Brad described it better. All you need to do now is mount the injector onto a shark.
  12. You said you tried a new EOT sensor. Did you do a cold soak check on the sensor to see if it is biased? Is it possible you may have a wiring issue causing a higher than normal return signal to the PCM?
  13. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad..... Basically doing a complete reseal on a 2006 F350 6L. Realizing I can no longer assume that we stock all the gaskets I need for the job. Just went to parts to get my 8 CM5055's only to find out we have 2 in stock. What is this world coming to when I have to wait for 6L parts?
  14. The nice thing about a ghost drive is you don't have to wait while all your software installs, so you can go online to download all your backed up data, so you can get back on track. You just boot off the ghost drive, get back to work and repair then original drive in the background.
  15. I always go through gasket sets and organize everything to make sure I have all I need. Never seen a spacer in the tube though.
  16. Time to get a "ghost" drive IMHO. My computer savvy brother in law swears by them. He says most people don't think about getting one till they have a HD failure. I am one of those people......luckily I haven't had one fail...yet. I mainly back up photos onto DVD's. Everything else on my home computer can be reloaded anyways.
  17. ECT at 200F tells me the cooling system is working normal. You didn't mention fan clutch operation so I will assume it's ok. The high EOT at this point would be a faulty cooler if you followed TSB diagnosis. Unless you have something causing a coolant flow restriction somewhere in the curcuit. What was EOT/ECT before the repair?
  18. You definately need the heads off and the branch tubes out. What is the reason for changing the lifters?
  19. After further testing #8 is down 13% on relative compression and crankcase pressure is around 13 at idle and pegs our gauge at 2000 rpm. It puffs like a steam train at idle. Customer has been told depending on cause of failure this may not be warranty. He has given us the ok to go further. So up next is the fuel leak tests. Unfortunately it came to us with only 2 liters of oil in it, so checking for overfilled oil won't happen. Its starts to rattle like it has a leaky injector after running for a bit though.
  20. I had posted on another thread elsewhere about a 6.4L that had the right side glowplug harness out of the valve cover and lost 12 L of oil soon after we did the rad. Well here it is. Customer has truck chipped and lifted with all the aftermarket goodies like exhaust and intake. He pulled out to pass a bunch of trucks in the highway and blew out the harness from the valve cover. How much crankcase pressure do you think is necessary to cause this?
  21. 2006 F350 for a HPOP fitting.....Funny thing about this is 400 and some KM ago I had it in for a CHRA and unison ring. At the time I suggested taking a look at the HPOP fitting while we were in there. I was told no, the customer doesn't want to spend the extra money.
  22. Not sure if this is an "Ever since event", but I just looked at an 08 F350, lifted and chipped, that our other tech put a rad and hoses into. Now he is back with an oil leak. Not sure how they are related. The entire right glowplug harness was removed from the valve cover. I had to add 12L of oil. And it feels like it is running on 6 cylinders. I gave my theory to the service writer, but I am curious to hear the owners take on this. I figure someone else had the harness out to diagnose the rough running......
  23. IMHO, by the time in try to wrench them and have them tighten up, then grab the torch, I would have had them off already using my little butane jobby first. I don't even attempt a dry removal anymore. We get mostly dirt packed on top of ours here. Blow it clean with some shop air and add a little heat to the nut.
  24. 2 things come to mind. If you changed the IPR because of a damaged screen, did you change the filter screen under the oil cooler? If there is debris in the HPOP resevoir it may be affecting the new IPR. Intermittent lifter issues can be tricky. Typically when these lifters start to fail they are constantly noisy. My guess would be a lack of oil pressure. I don't think the base oil pump would be designed to put out enough volume to go through the extra filters.
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