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Everything posted by gtoasterboy

  1. Thanks , thats what I was thinking I had to do. I suppose I could claim labor ops for anything That is getting in the way as well. But yeah those things do look very flimbsy. according to the history it was replaced not to long ago so I'll have to get with our warrenty admin to see if it would be an spw repair. But regardless, thank you for your time and help.
  2. yes the black line that goes to all eight injectors and the secondary fuel filter.
  3. hey guys. i have a 6.7 that came in pouring out fuel. inspected vehicle and found that some how the return line on injector 1 was cracked. simple enough to fix, no problem. well, that was before i removed all the things getting in the way to perform the repair. once everything was out of the way i found the return line fitting going to that injector was brocken as well. now i have to replace the return line assembly. so in short has anyone had to do this while not performing a whole fuel system replacement ? is it possible to sneak it out ? also does anyone know if there is a labor op number for this. i havent had anyluck finding it if it is there. thanks in advance for any help and any suggestions.
  4. I've done this in and out of cab without removing the intake or oil filter housing . The thing that I found gets in the way is the oil pressure test port . Other then that you kind of just have to move it the right way and it will come out as a whole . Sorry I forgot after removing the 10mm bolts you cock it back facing the rear of the engine and remove the sensors .
  5. I have seen a couple of trucks come back with that issue. The first that we saw did not give a second though to anyone as to why it happened. That is until someone had to put one in for free. In our case it was because the spacer was put on and then pretty much forced into alignment with the flex plate and the bolts. Also the bolts were put on with a half inch impact gun. I think those bolts only take about 80 ft-lbs don't remember of the top of my head . I guess some people think that because you had to use your half inch to take it off you should use it to put it back on. Anyways that could be another possibility if someone recently did a bed plate, short block or something that required tear down . So yeah just putting in my two cents .
  6. thanks for the input Mr. Warman, you definitely put thought into that one
  7. Haha, something like that. My mentor asked me if the vehicle he asked me to check out had a leak. So I told him no, it has a faulty ipr. Then he had this confused look on his face and said "does it have a leak or not " and ... Well that's why I was asking. I dont think he would have been able to put it in those words. So makes perfect sence so thanks for the clarification .
  8. Hey everyone, just wanted to hear your input on this one. So to get straight to the point, is a faulty IPR stuck open considered a leak in the high pressure oil system of a 6.0? Or is it simply just that... a faulty IPR ???
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