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About cheezit

  • Birthday 07/17/1972


  • Member Title
    Sophomore Member

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  • Location
    fort worth , TX
  1. the first one I did in a day and cryed. now down to the same 1.5 to do them. have not had to do any 6.7 yet, but I can say doing a water pump is a pain.
  2. well right now I have a 6.0L. love the truck, its been good to me. a 2011 flex that the wife loves. so far 12k on the odo and problme free a 1998 mustang gt rag top that needs a little tlc been sitting in the garage sence 2007 got it back and running a few months back. Just need to fill the a/c, replace the steering rack, shocks, struts and new tires and its back up and running. If I can make room in the garage I may pick up a Model A to kill time with. Always thought they were a neat ride.
  3. well 7/11/2012 marked my 20th year in the dealer game. Ive taken a job rebuilding oil field compressors for a company that has a shop about 8 miles from my home. Ill be there by the end of the month. just wating for backround and piss test to get finished. Its stright time pay, good benefits @ 1/3 the cost. 10 days off first year, a week of sick days a year and plenty of overtime that really pays time and a half. I hope I can make getting out this time stick
  4. i dont even pull the top plate off the cooler or loosen the intake or pull the cab for that matter. the cooler will come out as a whole unit minus the filter housing
  5. building/repairing cng converted diesel engins for oil feild use. work will in in house and not on location.
  6. well guys I have an interview friday morning. hourly job 10 miles from the house not working on cars. will see how it goes and if the offer will pay the bills.
  7. it was 113*f out the back door of the shop today.
  8. 07/11/12 marked my 20th year in. in that time I have run the gammet of the service side. tech, forman, bodyshop manager, service manager, writer, and have come full circle back to tech. I have made it to the top in every wich way one can in the service end of a dealership everything from top position, top pay, top hours produced etc... etc. Im worn out and beat up and have come out on top as a loser looking back. I have little to show for the hours and greif. If I only knew were to go and what door I could get to open I would more then likly pass threw it blindly with a smile on my face. Odd thing is I still love my job,
  9. nothing on oasis, but hey hotline has the contact, I did my part. they called today and wanted a fax of the estimate.
  10. yup it was a well service co. truck got pulled customer declined and hauled it out. sent hotline contact threw. this should be fun.
  11. got one on the hook today, knocking its ass of. sounds like metal is bouncing between cyclinders too. 500 hours, 200 idle hours. 15k sence last oil change (also 15k miles on the truck. orig black oem oil filter, a little bit of mud in the air box and red fuel. codes for #2,#8 low. code for pluged air filter, and map-bp corraltion. cant get it to run cyclinder balance. yup gonna be a fun one.
  12. wow this is some shit here. gonna be a fun ride.
  13. you theres a tsb for that. been bit in the 3 times now from it.
  14. if the metal shaving look like silver eyelashes the guy screwed. any signgs of water in the upper bowl? whats the truck in the shop for? p0088,p0087, p2291? if you dont want to pull a valve cover and it needs a pump you can pull the pump and take the back of it apart if you see rust in there then your back to square 1 and it still needs a fuel system. IMO I would just do what Im paid for and do the debis test. its not really that hard to pull a valve cover is it?
  15. 9 hours a day. 6:30 to 4pm with a quick lunch if I take it. weve been a little slow and my flag avarge has droped to 7.2 a day. Im not happy about it but they do pay me stupid money and the owner and his son are good people and treat me right so I cant really complain
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