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Everything posted by ETS

  1. Another Tech. in my shop has already done inserts in 3 cylinders. 2 right 1 left. Just spit one out on right side. I think right head is junk and possibly 1 piston. Bottom of insert was burned and melted along with plug electrode. Mr Clayton, Even with V-10? Remove evap. case on right side?
  2. I have angered the Ford God, 2000 F550 4x4 Quad Cab, 6.8, Automatic, With railroad conversion. Needs both heads due to plug threads gone along with inserts. I was looking for opinions on the best way to do this repair. First sentence in WSM is remove engine. Don't think it will come out between core support and cowl without some .... help. Do you guys do cab off on this one? Railroad conversion has a ton of shit to r&r to remove cab. Truck is not rusty and fairly clean which is a plus. Any opinions will be greatly appriciated!
  3. Yes I have used cleanser in Gas engines before with success. Works well for washed out rings with no other cylinder problems. Just like a quick dingle ball hone cleanup without all the work. Not sure how you would feed it into Diesel engine.
  4. I am basically happy where I am at, Except for lack of Training. Shop Manuals and Labor Guides of any kind are basically non-existent here. Owner refuses to purchase them. Or even pay 1/2 for any training [which I offered to pay the other]. The manuals I do have were purchased by me. Most all of my fleet are 2006 Super Dutys and 2004 GMC 2500HD. It is nearly impossible to do diagnostics anymore without referance materials. Tired of bugging friends for diagrams and losing my ass on electrical diags.
  5. I ran into the service manager of our local dealer last week. He wants me to talk to owner about taking an opening tech. position. There are 2 leaving for different reasons. Good place to work from what I hear. Highest paying shop in the area. Unlimited training all expences paid. General line and Diesel also. Have been doing bussiness with them for years. Seems like low stress level, Clean, Well organized. Just not sure about going back after 20+ years and hearing some of the horror stories here. Are you all making a decent living in dealerships nowdays? I am 50+ years old. Certified Master with L1. No Ford schools on record anymore. Things have changed a lot since VV carbs and EEC 1&2. Not sure I want to put up with the political bullshit that was common in Dealers years ago. Opinions, WELCOME AND APPRICIATED!
  6. Exactly right Jim. Just make sure intruder is Inside the house when constables get there. Laws are the same here, Civil law suit they also have the right to quarintine and examine the dog for rabies if it bites someone. If propety is posted though it is considered fair warning. . My Curr is well trained and is completely dosile to the family. He enjoys "testing" strangers. Has very fierce growl, If you show any fear the game is on. He will screw with thier heads constantly. If we are not home Nobody gets in fenced house and shop. At least no one has been stupid enough to try.
  7. I also have 4 legged security system, 2 year old 95 pound Mountian Curr. Naturally aggressive breed origionally bred for hunting here in the mountians. Don't have to worry about anything here in house or shop.
  8. Hey Fred, Ever been in a Boss 429? No gaskets there either!
  9. I will try to read freeze frame next time it sets. If it sets hard code it should record and store data you would think. Then we will know. Meantime Keep It Under warp 8! If it is electronic problem must be PCM calibration related. Thanks Guys.
  10. lmorris, Code was PO297 was going by memory on busy day. I have heard if vehicle reaches 85mph it sets. Driver says he does not reach that speed. Tire size is stock. Speedo seems to read properly as well as speed on scanner are the same. Just not sure how to track this one down. Any ideas? I am not able to access dealer shop manuals on 2010 vehicles. Vehicle now has 45k and is out of warranty.
  11. The only 2010 E250 in my fleet has set this code 4 times that I can remember. Is it related to Engine speed or Vehicle speed? I have found no information on this code. Can anyone tell me what pcm looks for to set this code? It has 4.6 and automatic trans. Driver is not a hot dogg but long streches of country road are common up here. Can a reflash be done to modify this? This sets a hard light and fleet manager is giving us both crap over this. The Super Duty pickups have not set this code and run the same routes. Thanks, Mike
  12. I wonder if someone would be kind enough to help me with some labor times. This is warranty claim for oil leak on reman. long block. 06 F250 4x4 Automatic 5.4. Diag time with dye? Replace rear engine cover and rear main seal. Cover is warped like a potato chip. This is first claim I have ever had with any reman. components. Installed 8mo. and 36k ago. Claim approved just want to make sure I am properly paid. Thanks in advance!
  13. I am not sure about 06.. Had a 2010 recently. Injector part numbers and cylinder numbers they came from must be recorded on dissasembly. New injectors and cylinders they go into also recorded. There is reflash required before startup or BAD things can happen. Something about fuel control calibration. Got selling dealer to cover this truck under powertrain warranty. There are several fuel related TSB's on these engines. May be worth some resaerch.
  14. The wonderful world of computers! Just bought a new printer/scanner it will not install. Updated drivers still no go. Called tech support she says my tower [of the same brand] does not have enough power to run new printer through usb port. I need new tower also. This is my garage computer that has alldata on it. What happened to setting points with a matchbook and cruising down the road???
  15. I have an 06 F250 4x4 5.4 Automatic Trans, One of my fleet. Installed Reman Ford Longblock 35k and 8 mo. ago. Has rather large leak from rear of engine suddenly. Top is DRY. Comming from inside bell housing. Has anyone seen a problem with rear block plate leaks? Or any other strange occurances? Back side of flywheel is dry meaning it probably is not main seal. Dye is on the way tommorrow. Also need help with labor times and diag time. What can I get for this? Have to go through selling dealer for warranty claim. Haven't worked in a Ford Dealer in more than 20 years. All of the fleet have had engines in the last year with NO PROBLEMS at all until now. Thanks in advance,
  16. Truck was built before July 19, 04. Early style pump. Bumb question but.... Did someone change front cover to late model design? Is it the correct pump? I am not sure they will interchange haven't had very many early trucks apart. Maybe too much clearance inside cover? Belt tensioner OK? Belt slipping on pulley or pulley spinning on shaft? Just my for what it's worth.
  17. Update on Diag. for anyone that is interested, First thanks to Mr. Clayton for the cab off diagrams. Cylinder air tests were negative for bubbles in coolant or fuel. No abnormal coloring on glow plugs to give away which cylinder. Removed fuel check valves at front of heads pressurized cooling system overnight. Found couple of drops of coolant at right head. Why is it always the right side? Especially #7 & #8? It seems the colder it is the more coolant it uses. If I keep it plugged in usage almost stops. Have had no more water in fuel warnings since last filter & draining. Both heads are comming off to be pressure tested. Thanks for the tip on pressure testing with soapy water, [tricks for 6.0] Will defonately try that.
  18. To you more experienced Diesel Techs, This is run of the mill I guess. It really wasn't a difficult diag. I found it interesting a 5 amp fuse will kill a Super Duty. Something like whipping a giant with a small rock.
  19. Had an interesting road service call yesterday. A&O railroad had 99 F550 rail repair truck down on the rails 10 miles up on mountian! Driver origionaly called in no start, But called back said it had no accelerator pedal. Collected some basic tools, Scanner, Test light etc... Met rail shuttle and off we went. Scanned it found 7 codes among them P0221 THR Pedal Position Sensor/Switch "B". Also noticed it had gauges inop and some warning lights inop. Checked fuses outside OK. Found fuse 19 [5 amp] inside blown. Replaced fuse and everything back to normal until we stopped at crossing to derail. Fuse blown again. Installed another fuse and got it to shop. Found several things on this fuse, Cluster, GEM Module, Overdrive Switch Cancel, Idle Validation Switch, Overhead Console. After an hour of testing found shorted OD Cancel wiring at shift handle. Hard to believe 5amp fuse will strand a truck. This is one for the memory bank.
  20. Is front end rack able to do 4 wheel alignments on larger trucks? Set up and compensate all 4 heads, This will show axle tubes that are bent by rear toe readings. Although problem is probably in machining center itself. Still may be interesting test. Also good to do with collision work. had county Police Cruiser off 1/4 inch on left rear. Looked like old dog going down road. I have seen shipment damage on rear housings before on cars and lighter trucks. Traced to rail shipper from being strapped down too tight on rough tracks. All of which had noise issues early after in service dates. Ford dealer rebiult my 01 F350 dually 3 times and never completely cured whine. They refused 4th try at 38k. Noise on light pull 47 to 61. Probably needed housing also.
  21. I am going to finish Diag. Sat. 2nd test, because air in lines may spoil results. The only way I can think for finding leak is removing fuel lines from front of heads and pressurizing cooling system. [With injectors still installed] This will tell me which side. This test will have to sit overnight to see results. It is very slow leak. 1st test, Thought glow plugs may tell me which cylinder. [Discoloration] But truck does not smoke. Thought about using air in cylinders 1 at a time also and look for bubbles in fuel filter housing and coolant. Will pull and inspect injectors & cups last. Any more ideas without pulling head?? I will have to pull head-s at some point. But can't tie up my bay yet. I am leaning more toward cracked head on this one. If Mr. Browning still has cab removal write up for 06 it will be greatly appriciated. Going to use overhead crane to lift cab on this one. E Mail is sales@elkinstruck.com
  22. Thanks Mr. Amacker, Loosing heat at idle had me thinking head sealing issue. But you are correct, No way to get coolant into fuel there. I will get some UV dye and try to finish diag this weekend. Truck is still together, Parked it for now to prevent further damage. This is fellow employee's personal truck. there is no warranty left already been there. His time and funds are limited, Talking about trading it back to dealer where it came from. It's been a bit of a lemmon the whole time he's owned it. Please send me your E mail, want to invest in some advanced training!
  23. I went through several heat cycles this weekend with pressure on cooling system. Drained pump module and found about an ounce antifreeze in bottom of 1 quart fuel sample. Next is try to determine which cylinder & injector cup or head gasket. This is first one I have seen like this. No contribution codes or drivability issues at all. Going to pull valve covers and injectors for close inspection. Any opinions would be appriciated.
  24. I have a head scratcher, 06 F350 6.0, 4x4, 70k miles. Came in with complaint of water in fuel display on cluster. Customer has added additive through last 2 tanks and switched brands of fuel. Took fuel sample looks good. tested pressure good. Small amount of sediment/deposits on old sensor. Replaced sensor, filters with updated kit [according to dealer] and shipped it. Came back this week same code, Warning appears after a long run almost every time now. Was running it with scanner and noticed heater goes cold at idle. Customer had not noticed this. No pressure in degas bottle or loss of coolant noticed. Could combustion gas/coolant be triggering this on the return side?? Runs good, no issues with driveability. I am going to get it in and try fuel sample from return with running engine and check color/bubbles etc. Has anyone seen a problem like this? Any opinions will be appriciated.
  25. Do they let you play with the guns??
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