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Everything posted by ETS

  1. Truck is 2006 F350 4x4. Built 8/05. Truck appears to have never been apart. Came in with complaint of no power, Scanned and found PO281 #7 Contribution, PO611 FICM Performance, PO2262 TC Boost Pressure Not Detected. Scanned cold, Values are within reason KOEO. Cold start runs bad. White smoke, Ran Contribution test cold 1,3,7. Failed. #2 Had a couple misses on startup. Road test truck has no power smoke turns black after warms up. Ran Contribution test warm #7 Borderline with a few misses. Turbo is toast, Vanes frozen. Air to Air full of oil no boost. Intake badly carboned along with EGR. Truck has 59k and has severe lack of maintance. Air filter is black. Replaced and ran again no improvement. My question is where do I stop? All 8 injectors or just right side? Is bad injector causing FICM code also or is FICM going also? Values are 12/47/12 at idle warm. Intake and Air to Air will be hot tanked. Is EGR valve needed in this case also? Due to smoke issue and severe carbon. I could make a laundry list on this one but what is really nessesary? I have a feeling there may be combustion gas in fuel rail on right side. Causing whole bank to act up cold. Inspected FICM harness and found no problems. Fuel pressure is good at 50PSI. And how about Egr and Oil coolers while I am in there? Has wrong coolant, Green. Difference is 10 degrees. Another strange thing I have noticed is both exaust manifolds are leaking at heads on almost every cylinder. Will be looking for plugged converter. Rookie questions I know. This one is strange!! Any input will be appriciated.
  2. I found BPR EGR cooler & Factory Oil cooler on E Pay, [i will do flow test on EGR cooler before it is installed! Thanks for the heads up on the cooler.] Ordered gaskets new. Thanks Anyway.
  3. Is there an aftermarket substitute for Premium Gold Coolant used in 6.0 and others? Prestone Yellow all makes and models? All we use at our shop is Green Glycol and Dexcool which I have recently learned here is not compatible with these engines.
  4. If anyone has some extra stuff, I need 2 new Factory Ford 20mm head gasket sets and nessesary small parts to replace head gaskets on my personal truck. I have lost the battle trying to get FoMoCo and the Dealer to stand by the warranty given when I purchased this truck 2 months ago and driven 2500 miles. I have a good connection at another dealer but am looking to save more money if possible. Lots of unexpected bills in the last couple months. If anyone can help PM me with prices.
  5. How long did it take you to find it? Not an easy diagnosis!
  6. All of my Fed-Ex 2006 F250 4x4's 5.4 Gas, are hard to fill. They take fuel very slowly. I understand there is a TSB for this problem. I have scanned 2006 entries and searched but found no info. They say there is a chamber added above spare tire for air expansion / escape? Can anyone help with this information? Local dealer is not cooperating since fight about my Super Duty head gaskets.
  7. 2 Things on my mind here also. I had a wrecker with a cracked flexplate make a similar noise on a load. Although it doesn't explain the smoke. My flexplate was so bad it felt like a miss. Also make a quick check of drain plug magnet, If it is full of metal you know it will be teardown time.
  8. I have seen 2 here in the last month, Directly related to who has been working on them. People forcing manifold down onto injectors without proper alignment and care. Thus cracking rings that eventually blow out. Fished a big piece from an oil gerator last week. Caused major failure of front cover & pump, oil cooler and screen to HP Pump. Comtaminated with metal particals.
  9. Yes I caught the joke. Trying to be funny myself, Guess not. I will put it back together in the morning and run it. It does have late model fitting. Thanks Again.
  10. I do not see Metal Top Ring in picture. [The one just under snap ring.] Bought a set this morning 9.48 each. Have them friday. Thanks
  11. I have 06 F350 dually in my stall as seen on previous post. Shut down climing mountian heavily loaded. Owner stated heard noise and it shut down. As Mr. Clayton said it needed STC Fitting delete. Pressure tested through sensor port. Huge leak from both covers and crankcase. Pulled turbo and pump cover. Fitting is OK. Installed my own pressure test fitting at pump block. Noise louder right side. Pulled right cover. [Noticed ARP Studs and Fresh Head Gaskets] Huge leak #4 injector. Pulled manifold 1/2 of the top steel and rubber-o rings missing. Replaced injector, Stand pipe, [looked for pieces no luck] Reassembled and retested. Very small leak from same area. Barly audible and I cannot feel it. Unable to pinpoint the leak. Pulled manifold again and installed home made blockoffs. Pressure tested manifold holds shop air with no leaks. My question is; Is it normal for a new DRY injector to do this? It has never had fuel in it. I am going to switch holes on injectors to see if leak moves also in the morning. Stand pipe is new design 12mm. Never had one not seal completely before. By the way left side is perfect no leaks at all. Any ideas will be greatly appriciated. All parts were lubricated with clean engine oil on assembly. Customer is in hotel calling 5 times a day. Which doesn't help!!
  12. Thanks, I will try Moutineer Diesel in the morning.
  13. I need 3 sets of upper o-rings for 05 6.0. You know the ones that blow out when oil manifold is improperly installed. Snap ring, Metal o-ring and Rubber o-ring. The local dealer cannot find part number. Only lower kit 3C3Z-9228-AA. Which is wrong. Surely they are available with out buying complete injector? I have a few cores for metal o-rings if I must.
  14. I have 06 F350 Crew Cab Dually, EGR delete, Programmer, 5" Exaust. Yes folks we have all the bells and whisles on this one! Shut down going up Laurel Mountian pulling 15K travel trailer.
  15. Ran fan test this morning, It was passing but on low side. 2700 rpm, Truck has both towing and plow package. Pulled air intake elbow and checked for coolant signs. Normal residue. Has anyone modified the valve cover vent into a road tube? It sure dumps a bunch of crap into the intake! Mine is cleaner than most. Almost no crank case pressure. Looks like head issue. Has anybody seen Ford adjust powertrain warranty? Now has 63k But 5 years were up in May. I talked to warranty clerk and service manager at local dealer they said NO! Without question.
  16. The local Western Snow Plow Dealer says he will not install a plow on a late model Super Duty that does not have plow package. He says front frame rails are reinforced where mounting brackets go. My 06 has plow package, My Fed Ex fleet does not. I will compare frames to see.
  17. lmorris, There is no sign of coolant in the exaust. That is what is baffeling me. We do not have access to a vaccume type filler. 7-9 is Fahrenheit but the ones I have seen are almost never over 5. Turbo boost is normal. I have only seen 25 ounce and I was in it hard heavily loaded up the mountian. Usually not over 15. I run it like grandpa. It builds pressure on the 10 mile run home. Normal driving. I was afraid of that, I REALLY am not looking forward to doing heads on this. It will be my first set.
  18. My 2006 F350 has developed a mysterious coolant loss problem. It has used 1/2 gallon every 2 weeks for the last 2 months. It has excessive pressure [in excess of 20 pounds]in degas bottle but only after a run. No bubbles or block test failure at idle. Checks good now. No codes, No smoke, Runs like a watch. No external leaks. It is used as intended hauling firewood and construction materials on weekends. Bone stock, 60k miles. I am thinking egr cooler but can't prove it. Any difinitive way to tell? Cracked head or gasket? It has not been overheated! Also I have read here FORD requires OIL cooler when EGR cooler fails? I do not understand the connection. My temps are running 7-9 degrees different which is a little high. I will probably due both anyway. Has anyone used the BULLETPROOF Products? Improved egr cooler and oil cooler eliminater kit that uses spin on external oil filter and cooler? I only want to do this once. Thanks In Advance, Mike
  19. I installed jumper and told driver to watch for light. It has run 4 days now with no light or code. Looks like that was it. I had inspected that circuit but was unsure how to jump the switch. Seen lots of bad ones on cars with 2 wire switch. First Super Duty with this issue. My thanks to Mr. Clayton.
  20. Absolutely Priceless!! Looks like the harness in my 62 Fairlane when I bought it.
  21. Jeff, Yes I am interested. Please drop me a line with names and phone#. Thanks, Mike
  22. Hope anyone can help, I need a seat bottom cover part number 5C3Z-2562901-AAC Coth for 2006 XL Work truck drivers side bucket seat. It is obsolete from Ford and none on locator. Anyone have a nice used one. Or a whole seat? It's for my FED-EX fleet. Thanks, CarNutMike
  23. Moderator, If this is wrong area please move it for me. I have a 2006 F250 5.4 gas, Automatic, 4x4, XL, Reg Cab. This is a FED-EX Delivery Truck. That has intermittent C1446. Light will go on and off during his normal daily route say twice a week. I have road tested this truck numerous times and cannot duplicate the problem. Have replaced brake light switch, Inspected connectors everywhere in circuit including at ABS Module. Double checked E Brake Light Switch, Traced harness for chaffing even switched another cluster from an identical truck. Code still comes back. Driver says brake lights work when light is on. But this is not nessesarily good information. These trucks get run HARD on rough mountian roads. Rain or moisture has no effect. Does it rain or shine. Has anyone had a problem like this? Can you give me any ideas or possibly a flow chart to follow? I have a set factory shop manuals here. Any input will be greatly appriciated. This one has me stumped and frustrated!
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