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    Freshman Member

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    Alberta Canada
  1. I had an afetrmarket warranty company tell me on a 6.0l head job the customer had paid $3000 for his afetrmarket warranty so the most he could ever claim was $3000 and that was all they paid he paid the rest.
  2. We had a Cat service truck in a couple weeks ago with one. The big rubber air hose was pushing on the pcm connections causing multiple codes and no power. I would like to see one driven off the pto or just mount a diesel powered one in the back


    Our parts dept. is selling to over the counter customers and retail jobs for list +20% and they leave the list price on the invoice I cannot beleive how many people don't notice this, but the one that do sure raise some stink. (used car sales pays that now too you should hear them cry)
  4. I put 76.02A on all of ours and now I can't do manual injector control on 6.0L's it takes over and FICM correction is taken out like it should but cancel injectors not workin?
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