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Everything posted by amailloux

  1. This one still hasn't left. I replaced leaky injectors and drove 180 miles. at 180 miles, a regen started, and the symptoms returned. I ran a manual regen and the dpf cleaned. Although right after the regen, I popped the oil cap and there was some heavy smoking. I immediately ran the relative compression and #8 was 5% dowm. I then pulled in and the truck cooled off and relative compression was zeros across the board, and 1 time, #2 was 1% low. I pulled glow plugs and had 350 to 375 on other cylinders with #8 at 325. I am having a hard time with how well the truck runs until a regen is requested. I understand #8 is low, and with the extra fuel, I think it is washing out and losing compression, but my manual compression test is only 25 low. Any thoughts.
  2. I feel your pain. 90% of the trucks here have those rodent bashers on them. the last one took me 45 minutes to jerry rig back up, as the install of the home "engineered" part was less than stellar.
  3. Well, finally got back to this one. Pulled right bank injectors and checked for leakage. All 4 injectors leak from the return ports when cranking. I am seeing drips come off. So, I know it needs injectors. I checked the history and see it has had a pump for p0088 earlier in life. Sooo, do you think the injectors are the cause of the regen issue?
  4. amailloux


    I too have trouble many nights, and it is because I have so many thoughts in my head. I have no problems in my personal life, it is usually work related. I usually go to bed at 9 ish, and wake up about 2-3 and am not able to get back to sleep. I kind of made a personal promise that at the end of 2014 I am going to slow down my work schedule a bit.
  5. Snappy gave me a smokin deal on a solus ultra today. Have been using it for a couple weeks now and it boots up really fast, screen is awesome and has some great features. I traded my 6 year old solus in, and made a huge upgrade. Now I am fully updated again. Tech 2, mdi, vcm and ids, solus. We had a guy with a snap on veris that just quit, and another guy with a modis. I use my vantage pro almost daily. Awesome meter. What toy to get next? .
  6. Not the easiest thing to pull out and check. I have had spring return valves cause dpf plugging on other makes with no dtc's, but maf is slightly lower and they list an e/q ratio pid to check.
  7. EBP_A was 33 psi and desired was 21 PSI. This was matted. I did see the egr was opening slightly. I commanded it to 0 but the vehicle would not let run wot with the egr at 0%. Our baro was 12.1 this morning. DPF pressure was 3.5 wot. I am going to get fuel and then perform a complete manual regen, and then check the dpf pressure at wot and idle, then drive to see how long it takes to complete a regen, and how it performs. note: when I disconnected the downpipe from the converter the dpf state stayed clean, or system leak, and had normal power. Then I am thinking of getting the ok to pull injectors and do the inverted test and check for excessive return or dripping. Also my egr valve closed is 1.15 volts, which is in spec, and it responds normally during the egr test. Is it possible that it is leaking. My maf numbers aren't extremely low, so it would have to be just slightly leaking. Is it a spring return, or is the position sensor directly connected to the valve?
  8. I actually swapped a cat from one of their other trucks in for front end work, same thing. performed a manual regen, but when I was checking on the progress, accidentally hit brake pedal and regen ended. Now it does not regen immediately, but is only building 15 lbs Mgp. Really odd thing is if I shut odd the truck for 10 seconds, the first acceleration is good with over 35 psi, then it slowly begins to lose power again. Checked cac, not restricted. Need to get some fuel, and then get the dist. Regen Complete to clear and retest. Now I am thinking possibly a hp turbo concern, but after a key cycle it has good boost right off. Software is. Current, and vin is correct.
  9. I have a 6.4 in that is in constant regen. I have made a few recordings of the data, and made somw observations. It starts out ok, then after just a couple miles loses power and as soon as the ect is high enough it goes into regen. I drove 45 miles and noted low power. MGP low, MAF follows MGP and there is a lag for 5 seconds or so, then a surge, and this kind of continues. All 3 pressure pids are 12.1 to 12.25 koeo. DPF shows part loaded, regen active, and the DPF pressure is in the 3-5 psi under load depending on the surge. One thing is that the EGRTP is closing, and opening somewhat in line with the surge and mgp and maf drop. Dist regen complete is 47 miles. Is requesting all the time. I checked the ebp tube and sensor, and maf and then swapped them from another truck even though they looked good in scan data. I removed the downpipe and there is no oil. Low pressure checks ok from the front and rear. So I disconnected the pipe in front of the converter. I went for a drive and had good power. No surge, and of course no dpf request. I removed the converter and checked it out, and it was not melted, nor broken. It was heavily sooted up??? I blew out the converter and washed it and put it back on. Ran great for 12 miles or so, then same thing, went to regen and had same symptoms. DPF pressure still under 5 psi full load, or as full as I could get it. Still only shows part restricted as the load. Relative compression is ok, crankcase is not overfull. So I go out again and when it is in regen, egt 1 is about 750 to 800 degrees, and egt 2 never hits 1000 degrees. also egt 3 is higher than egt2 by 100 or so degrees. So I am thinking the cat is not able to oxidize the added fuel, as egt 2 I believe is usually in the 1.1 K range, and the fuel is being oxidized partially inside the dpf. I have no soot on the tailpipe, and when I had the converter disconnected I did not note any black smoke under full load. This thing set no codes. passes koer. I have been losing sleep over this one, and need some help. Thanks alot
  10. I have a rash of 08 trucks right now, 1 of which I have in my bay right now. Most have high Idle controllers and they run for no reason on site all day. With cold weather coming we see them a lot. Also many are at about 120 k miles. I have 3 replacements so far this month. The one in my bay looks to have a new dpf about 200 miles ago. Runs .2 psi at idle, 2.5 at high idle and surges like crazy going down the road. Wot hard accel I can get over 6 psi. Constant regen, hard to keep over 60 mph. Also no codes. Stft for #1 is 13 , and a few others are -5. No oil I downpipe from turbos. I am interested in the maf calculation for soot loading. I see very few p0101 codes, and don't have a good baseline on maf yet. I have tried the maf test in the wsm and each time I am right at the top of the specs, sometimes just a hair over.
  11. 14 inches at my house in Casper, WY. Trees and power lines are down all over the place. 28 degrees, but going to be 53 tomorrow and melt it off.
  12. I got it. What I found is the app % was at .5%. When at .5%, the truck would start and stall, or surge for 5 seconds or so and then come up and then back down to idle. If I put my toe under the pedal and bring it to 0% it starts normally. I did this probably 20 times to convince myself it is the cause. If it is 2% or more it seemed to start ok. Must be some sort of Idle Validation in the software. When I did the pmi, I am guessing it learned .5% as the new 0, and then when the pedal returned fully, a new 0 was learned. I am fully confident a new app will fix it. I disregarded the .5%, as I thought there was no way in hell it would cause the stall and surge, if anything a slightly higher idle.
  13. After numerous starts, it happened again 5 times or so and then went back to being fine. Still searching for an answer.
  14. No water in fuel. I used a water detection paste in my sample. So I parked the truck inside last night due to snow. I came in and it had the exact same symptoms. crank and surge at 300 to 400 rpm and die. if I barely hold the throttle it starts, revs to 12-1500 and then i let off and it settles back down. I checked relative again for shits and it was 1% low, and 0% low. Began at start. oil level ok when short sticked. 5-6 psi low side. took another fuel sample. no dtc's. I checked the software level and it was correct. It seems like the ecm just needs a little more fuel. So I went to programming and chose PMI. It showed correct software and vin. Ids programmed the parameters. Truck started totally normal. I tried numerous times. Started normal each time. I let the ecm power down a few times. Started normally. I really have no idea what the deal is. I really can't call it a fix, as I have no idea what happened. Possibly in the past, had wrong data put in, and then flashed with the same vin. I will do some service and check the dpf. Probably let set outside in below freezing overnight and retest. Any thoughts?
  15. I have a big sample in a glass jar and it looks good and does not appear to have any contamination. Won't light with a lighter either. I started it cold this morning holding the accelerator down about 15%. Started normally, revved up a little, and then idled fine. I haven't checked compression yet, I have 3 other of their vehicles to get done, then I can think about it, do a little more testing, maybe talk with the fleet manager. I really want to fix it, but pulling injectors to do the inverse test, and return flow testing is gonna take some time. With a low cylinder every time I check relative, They may pull the truck and send it to auction.
  16. Regen completed was 55 miles, and requested was 52 miles. Dpf load was "part loaded". At this point the dpf pressure is not over . 6 psi at idle. Once started, it will drive and have normal power. Actually it runs well after the little starting hitch. I think I am going to check compression on the left bank, and can check for vapors from maybe a leaking injector wile I think about it and go over the data a little more. On a side note the same fleet had a driver fill another truck with gas 2 weeks ago. Replaced fuel system. Towed in and I got over a gallon of milky crap out of the tank. Looks like water emulsified by some additive. Been 280 miles on his fuel system. The mixture did not turn on the wif.
  17. Dpf is not over .6 idle, and 2.8 and 2500. Don't believe it is causing the starting issue. ebp actual and desired are correct. Truck had a dpf in December, at 91K miles. After starting, truck runs normally. I am thinking I may have an injector issue causing the dpf to soot up quickly. It starts and chucgs at 350 to 400 psi for about 5 seconds, then the ecm ramps up the fuel, it smooths out, and falls right back to a normal idle like there is no problem. Thanks.
  18. Well, this truck is back with p246c and p2463. I went out in our 40 degree f weather, and it was a crank, sputter, and no start. I cycled the key 2 times with same results. if I just barely touch the accelerator pedal, it starts and runs fine. I did a relative compression test 2 times, and #2 is 2% low. As Alex stated before, it could use a manual compression test. I found the ect, eot, iat 1 and 2, egr temp sensors and fuel temp are all very close. I can duplicate the issue, but after running, i did not have to touch the pedal. it would just shudder, run very low rpm, surge a few times, then fuel pulse with comes up and the vehicle runs normally. frp actual is following the engine rpm, and dropping with it. mass fuel desired will jump up along with injector pulse width and then the truck will settle right into idle. Power balance looks good with injector strategy disabled. I took a fuel sample and it is clean. Customers only complaint was drive to clean filter message, no check engine lamp on, dpf codes were history. Any ideas? I am starting to go bald thinking about it.
  19. I too use the long prybar. The genius who designed our shop did not put in a floor drain. I work in the low corner and a lot of the water ends up in my bay. They are building a new shop that will be a 15 minute drive instead of 2 minutes. I am positive it will have a drain.
  20. I have marked a dozen or so so far. I was wondering if there was an engineering change, or just the level.
  21. The updated degas bottle is roughly 150 bucks. The only real differences I see are that there is only 1 nipple for the egr cooler air bleed, and the lower level indicator is way lower. Would it be ok to just mark the old bottle with "updated" low, and high level markings, or is there more to the update than this.
  22. I did a lot of research, and what I did was get the truck hot, and then I reset the fuel injector and pump tables. I let the customer come get the truck, and we will see. From reading the hard start diagnostic which has you reset the tables and see if the vehicle starts, I believe the cranking pump volume is learned. When mine failed, the pcv, and vcv were not coming up trying to increase pressure. I have noted this on a lot of vehicles. As the fuel heats and the viscosity drops, possibly the learned pcv and vcv values are just slightly too low. I was hoping it would learn the cranking volume hot, and then would have higher pcv and vcv values. Maybe a long shot. I did note the vcv learned value was 1% positive. This may just mask high return flow from an injector when hot. We will see if the truck returns.
  23. My repair got ok'd by the fleet manager today. Going to replace the complete fuel system. I will examine the pump, lines, and rails for metal. The truck was run until it died, and then was towed in. I started it, and it ran on 3 cylinders on the power balance before I shut it down. Had P0087, p2463 and p246c. Customer said it was trying to regen as well. Will have to see if there is any damage to the converter or dpf.. I priced a dpf to be safe.
  24. This is a fleet truck, and the driver admitted putting gasoline in the tank by accident. I was looking for the verbage from Ford to supply to the fleet manager concerning gasoline in particular. Man Gas in a torpedo heater might justify it's name.
  25. Thanks, that's the list I have from the debris inspection test also. I quoted the same, I was just interested in what the old svb stated about gas in the fuel system. This one started and ran on 3 cylinders. Customer drove it until it died. I am guessing it is full of metal now.
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