lol...yeah sorry. Its fixed was for the HPOP. Sorry about that. And no, you arent being a dick. If anything, I was. I took some advice to help diag this, and took some reassurance from some of you and never reported back. My bad.
I am going to replace the clamp on the down pipe. I will check for wire chaffing. I know this truck very well, and last month when I drove it, it did not have a CEL on and it was not making this noise. I checked the clamp on the EGR cooler to exhaust pipe, it was tight. I am trying to descrie this the best way possible so everyone can understand it. I tried the stethoscope and could only hear loud whistling from around the turbo. Not much help. When I say "engage", I mean close the VGT solenoid and get it to about 1500rpm and thats when I hear it. It is more of a whistle. I "think" that it may be an exhaust leak at the rear of the turbo. I was able to close the VGT and raise the RPM and actually get under the hood and listen. I hope I am on the right track. As far as the CEL for the peddle, I will look at the wires for the APP. You said on the left wheel side harness? What are the chances of it being a bad sensor? The "fuck up fairy" wasnt too mean to me. She only fucked a few things up...thanks for the help