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Everything posted by springhillracer

  1. ok...well, the "fuck up fairy" hit me good. I used the stethoscope to listen again for the noise. The gasket under the intake between the EGR cooler, well I guess I was in a hurry, and I forgot to tighten down one of the bolts. It was tight, but not tight enough. I could make the sound change by running my finger over it. So I loosened everything just enough to pull the gasket out. The outside edge was burned and chipped away. I know the exhaust gases get hot and that would cause that to eat at the gasket. I have to install a new one tomorrow. That should cure my noise. Next thing to concur is the APP. I will post my fix as soon as I can. Thanks Again. Rookie mistake...20 lashes with a rubber hose
  2. lol...yeah sorry. Its fixed was for the HPOP. Sorry about that. And no, you arent being a dick. If anything, I was. I took some advice to help diag this, and took some reassurance from some of you and never reported back. My bad. I am going to replace the clamp on the down pipe. I will check for wire chaffing. I know this truck very well, and last month when I drove it, it did not have a CEL on and it was not making this noise. I checked the clamp on the EGR cooler to exhaust pipe, it was tight. I am trying to descrie this the best way possible so everyone can understand it. I tried the stethoscope and could only hear loud whistling from around the turbo. Not much help. When I say "engage", I mean close the VGT solenoid and get it to about 1500rpm and thats when I hear it. It is more of a whistle. I "think" that it may be an exhaust leak at the rear of the turbo. I was able to close the VGT and raise the RPM and actually get under the hood and listen. I hope I am on the right track. As far as the CEL for the peddle, I will look at the wires for the APP. You said on the left wheel side harness? What are the chances of it being a bad sensor? The "fuck up fairy" wasnt too mean to me. She only fucked a few things up...thanks for the help
  3. ok, well that wasnt it. It is from the turbo. At least thats what I think. The noise is not an exhaust leak or an air leak. I have checked all the clamps and hoses. The funny thing is, when I use the scanner to control the turbo, the noise is only there when the turbo is engaged. I can command the turbo open and the noise instantly goes away. Next thing, I have a check engine light for the accelerator pedal. p2138 and p2140. I watched the 3 sensors and one of them is out of range, so it says to replace APP sensor. I know the code was not stored prior to me doing this, well I didnt see it with the scanner. Is there anything i could have done to create this?
  4. lol...you know thats funny. I have been driving it around most of the day to make sure she runs good, and I am replaying most of what I have done. Im not 100% sure that I tightened the band clamp on the EGR cooler. I can not say that I did. I know I installed it, but I may have just did it loosely so I could line the intake up properly and I told myself I would get to the band clamp after I installed the intake onto the EGR cooler and tightened the bolt from the intake to the cooler. I cannot say that I actually went back and tightened the band clamp. I have been busy all day and havent had a chance to check it. Will do it in the am when its cool out. I was wondering about it all day and now that I read this, Im hoping thats what happened. I betcha it is the EGR pipe...On the AC, I think it may be low on freon. I drove it all day and it was hotter than hell out, AC wouldnt work. THen I noticed when it cooled off, the ac worked fine only the compressor would cycle on and off. I got to evac the system and put the right amount in it. Maybe tomorrow
  5. ok. New problem. Truck runs great... ac dies as soon as you touch throttle. Doesnt matter if you are idling or driving. Next issue, has a funny noise at half throttle while under load. Doesnt do it when you are in neutral, just in drive 1/2 throttle or more. Almost sounds boost related, but not sure....
  6. wanted to give an update. Took the pump out, took the tube that connects the branch tube off, took my air nozzle with rubber tip, blew shop air into the branch tube line. I help it for 20 seconds on, didnt hear any noise from vc with stethoscope, turned air off but held gun on tubes for another 20-30 seconds. Air didnt seep out at all. When i did remove the air nozzle it made a pop sound because air was still stuck in the tubes....will have the pump in tomorrow night and maybe finish it then or saturday morning...
  7. ok. did an air test. did not hear any air from either side vc. i am taking the intake off. im pretty sure its the hpop after this. any takers?
  8. i dont have one. I took the old icp sensor and gutted it. Then I found an air fitting and brazed it together. Then I JBwelded just to be on the safe side...
  9. i built a tool so i can supply air to the system tonight. The readings on the oil pressure are quick. In a 5-10 second crank time it will jump all over from 100 then 200 then 300 then 200 then 500 then 100. The piece in the pic is internal of the pump? I will try and record the data. I just bought this scanner so I am still unsure of what it will do and how to do it...http://www.autel.us/ds708.htm Thanks again guys....thanks KTMLew
  10. IPR sensor was full of oil, replaced sensor and pigtail. New IPR valve. Injector pressure all over the board from 200 to 300 then 500 then right back down again. Will not sustain 500+ to engage injectors. IPR duty cycle is 83%. Have not done the HPO leak test, but Im thinking HPOP. Any thoughts? Also, oil pressure gauge on dash is working so I know it has oil pressure also.
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