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Everything posted by tonybullitt

  1. I wonder if I have an issue in the head gasket area (view b ). See how the oil is split off in that head it doesn't appear to have a restrictor.
  2. About a month ago I had a 2016 with 250 miles on it clattering on left side upper engine. I had pulled valve cover found 5 of the lash adjusters not pumped up. Hot oil pressure is 40psi. I ordered all lash adjusters the necessary gaskets, bolts and seals. Parts finally showed up last week. Got started on it yesterday finished it up today started it up nice and quiet. test drove pulled in to double check coolant level and give it a look over to make sure I am done. I roll the window down and it's just as noisey as it was before. Noise is for sure from left side upper engine. Checked oil pressure again 40psi hot at idle. I have question sent to hotline to see what they recommend. I am wondering if any of you who have replaced head on 2.7 remember if there was a plug I could check pressure to left head? When I replaced lash adjusters all had oil on them none were dry. Also the cam caps had oil no evidence of running dry. I am thinking restricted oil to head maybe?
  3. I have a 12 that had been dpf deleted and now put back stock. Truck was in count down to idle only fixed corroded connectors that were giving me on demand codes. test drove in under 3 miles set code for no reluctant flow. Found bad inj replaced test drove now setting waste gate code. Tested waste gate solenoid is not letting vacuum thru. Wonder what's next.
  4. we are recommending Ford gaskets and he supplies studs if he wants them installed
  5. it doesn't replace vcm 2. replacing vmm and can be used in place of vcm also. it's a vcm 2 with built in vmm and if ordered correctly replaces the vibration analyzer also
  6. How cold was it in your part of MN? I had 22 below Fahrenheit. No gelled trucks brought in but plenty of phone calls to advisors asking about why it would say low fuel pressure on my dash
  7. anyone ever used? I have a modified 6.4 that needs head gaskets and I see alliant power offers gasket kit with studs.
  8. I agree with the plugs. I've seen a couple of these that do the same thing and plugs fixed them. Plus hotline told me these engines are very sensitive to spark plug gap. Agree on the plugs had an 11 in today with 57k miles and fixed misfire with spark plugs and coil boots. The truck had not had the cac tsb done.
  9. check this out. my otc encore can now program keys and all pats functions like parameter reset. after the update I installed today
  10. That does sound like they way the CAC acted up.
  11. I would follow tsb but it will probably need plugs also.
  12. Had customer bring 2013 in with jerking bucking at times. The so called diesel performance shop had been throwing parts at it. I told customer it's usually a crappie install on delete. ran self tests retrieved codes for frp and app codes. rolled under truck found dpf pressure sensor wires touching exhaust pipe. Put heat shrink on wires zip tied up off exhaust. 10 minutes
  13. This one is better for powertrain way more stable. This one is slow and clumsy to push around
  14. This one is great for subframes. Air operated is quick rolls good easy to move around
  15. yeah, I am fortunate my boss is good about equipment. Sometimes it works out when I have subframe on one and powertrain on the other.
  16. The subframe removal isn't necessary but after doing without removing and then trying with removed. I will not be leaving subframe in again. The subframe comes out very quickly and goes in easy.
  17. I believe it is also on bottom of oasis page. Just looked and it is on the bottom after you run vin. Report a Vehicle Concern
  18. We have one of those napa kits for repairing the plastic lines. I wonder if a guy was to cut out an ~8 inch section and use the gun in the kit to put Ford-style quick connect fittings on the cut ends. Then you could quickly snap in a Motorcraft filter from right off the shelf. I would offer the customer the option. If it's feasible to install. Would be way cheaper to replace filters then fuel rails and injectors.
  19. Had a guy with a duramax pull in off highway today. Fuel spraying all over from the HPP to LH fuel rail line at the rail. Had parts call chevy dealer (across the highway) closest line is in Greeen Bay WI. Guy says I will put electrical tape on it and drive it. Wow, that's high pressure fuel sparying on that hot engine. He then tells me he just had this engine installed. I said that looks to me like they tried to reuse a 1 time use line and it didn't work. I went back to work. Guy comes in little later tells me he has a line being overnighted to my dealer. And he is going to replace it himself in the parking lot. He had called his shop that put engine in, they reuse that line all the time. They also have to replace many of them leaking later. Its an easy job he says. Well at least he isn't trying to drive it.
  20. Sounds like you got it. Wonder if there is a reasonable way to add a fuel filter?
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