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Everything posted by tonybullitt

  1. Fuses were good so that proved the relay and bcm were good he must have overlayed the wire from bcm to pcm pins 67 and 68
  2. Question for those that have them. Would you recommend? What are they positives and negatives?
  3. On a side note: While going through the WSM I have noticed a lot of changes. The DEF tank is completely new for one thing. The crankcase oil separator is new. The procedure for disconnecting it from the intake is messed. If you go to Lower Intake manifold removal it tells you that if you disconnect the tube from the intake you have to replace the entire separator. I replaced fuel system on a 16 f550 this week and the wsm says same about crank vent hose. I was able to disconnect it and reuse without ruining it.
  4. No cell is off but was never on this time. It was a tow in stuck in idle only. I am going to answer no and give truck back to customer and see what happens.
  5. I got a 15 with 16k miles on it back a second time with p207f. when you guys have these are you able to clear p207f from koec? I followed ppt put a nox12 in. passes koer and koeo ppt says if still have p207f replace nox11 but I am unsure how I should answer.
  6. I was told in Dearborn during trp meetings that it's a emission compliance thing.
  7. Does anyone have the tsb 15-0077 saved for the parts list? I have a truck that has repeated setting the p259f after reprograming ppt ka leads to replace turbo.
  8. Good advise Brad, problem is I don't own any tennis shoes. Turbo is ordered so will find out soon enough.
  9. Got a customer that wants me to replace his turbo on his gmc wrecker. I have never done any thing to a duramax what are your thoughts? What do I need for parts besides turbo?
  10. They have added a vin scan feature to the mobile pts. I downloaded it on my phone today. It worked good for me. One of the vehicles I tried it on was a 2001 super duty. The scanner added a L at the beginning I just erased it and it worked. Check it out if you haven't.
  11. Head is ruined. Appears to be an epoxy he tried to reattach it with. Wonder why he thought a longer bolt and epoxy would work?
  12. Check this crap out. When I got valve cover off I seen cylinder 8 hold down bolt. I removed the injector obviously loose the copper washer is black.
  13. Got ok to look at the fuel cackle one I had more. I checked comp on dead cyl 8 and it has 350 psi, I figure fuel wash. (Story I was told is engine just had pistons and rings put in it for melted pistons) I removed LH valve cover took fuel sample. Its full of debris. This is the 2nd set of injectors he put in it. I had told him before first set to replace fuel rails.
  14. I got one that runs very similar. The one I have is from another shop, story is they just rebuilt it. It does the same thing runs ok then fuel cackle pours fuel smoke then clears out then repeats. This truck is a hacked up pile of junk. They brought it in before I looked at it did fuel contamination check found debris. They picked truck up then brought back saying same concern. I ran self tests got on demand frp sensor code monitored pids koeo frp fault pid shows yes fault, frp showed 11,322 psi, desired showed 0. They picked up, put frp sensor in then brought it back. It has been a disaster. I am sure they didn't replace fuel rails. The so called tech claims he cleaned them.
  15. Got a 190k 05 6.0L here that still has the injector post cycling program in it. Does anyone remember what year that would have been from? Most of my coworkers had never heard it before. Its a long time now that the programing has been inductive heating.
  16. Big Walt I Think you made the right choice. I started at a small 4 tech shop then jumped after a year to 25 tech dealer. In the big shop you end up just a number, yeah you can make some good $ but slow times are way worse in the big shop. I ended up back at a smaller shop and am way happier.
  17. Just 4 screws snip them off and pull out with needle nose.
  18. If you are looking for the small male terminal test pins that are in modules take a scrap rcm from the fusion/ escape recall and take them out.
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