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Everything posted by tonybullitt

  1. Yeah, we use ZBAG for all customer pay ones. Really nice to have them across town if doing a pinion seal and the flange needs to be replaced we can just run and get.
  2. Told this guy to put this ball mount in scrap metal bin where it belongs. My family could be behind you.
  3. Had one of the other bolts I had to work in and out spraying with penetrating oil also.
  4. Had a upper intake bolt break on me today. It broke right at the head and left a tall stud that the intake was stuck on. After I got the intake pushed up I cut the bolt. Got intake out welded nut to it broke it again welded another nut on broke it again. That's when I started drilling and installed heli coil. Parts can't get short bolts (back ordered) so I cut a long one. Easy job didn't go so good.
  5. That's pretty cool. Was it a pain in the ads to get out?
  6. I am sure the car lot is having customer get the programmer to try and avoid this. They had tried to have us get one. We said nope. Thanks you guys are confirming what I figured was going on with this truck.
  7. I meant the pouring fuel smoke out when it's attempting to regenerate all the time.
  8. Just heard they are picking truck up. They have programmer ordered and will let me know how it runs after programed. Lmorris do they run like this when you have seen stock program and no dpf?
  9. That's what I am thinking also. Thanks Tony
  10. Gave the truck a quick look over. Obviously been recently worked on. New front cover, exhaust manifolds. The straight pipe looks like just pipe someone put together but it does have sensors put in it.
  11. Truck came in from a local used car lot its a 08 154k miles. They bought on auction for customer delivered to him he brought back saying smokes and mil on. There mechanic was lost (just does brakes and minor stuff). All I was told was smokes after driving and has partial delete. Not sure what partial delete means. Visual inspection noticed little low on coolant. I ran self tests p1335 and p0420 koec. Test drove monitoring pids noticed regen says clean then minimum (never seen that before) after it got to operating temp starting pouring smoke out. Pulled over went to tail pipe eyes start to water definitely fuel smoke. Brought up sft pids they are all over the place from -18 to +19 brought up power balance is even when enhanced is disabled have couple cylinders just slightly off. Relative comp even. Cleared fuel tables and in short time they are all wacked. On start up the dash flashed drive to clean. ????? It doesn't have a dpf just a straight pipe. Told my advisor the fuel trims and fuel smoke makes me think it is going to need a complete fuel system. I want to pull valve covers and check for debris. But I am really concerned about the drive to clean with no dpf. I have a feeling this truck is stock programing. I had advisor call and tell them they need to put dpf back in and let me reprogram to latest to really diag. Or get a quality programmer let me flash to latest ford program then they can put in the programmer and lets see what it does. I did check crankcase pressure was only 5 h2o.
  12. Will a 6.4 run with no dpf on stock program and all sensors in the straight pipe?
  13. The vent got plugged with dirt and the pump created a vacuum eventually causing it. There is a tsb with a vent kit to move the vent away from the top of tank.
  14. I found it. It doesn't come up when I run oasis on the vehicle but does if put in the search box. tsb11-03-16.pdf
  15. I have a 2010 e350 here with communication concern I have fixed the problem wires in the driver's sill plate. I was looking for the tsb about it today and can not find. Anyone know the #
  16. Just lucky I guess. Put drive gear driven gear chain and bearings in this and its back on road. The chain had revised part # and took longest to get.
  17. Truck had t case noise sounded like chain jumping. We drained fluid watched with boroscope had a guy power brake it sure enough chain jumping. Upon teardown found 2 broken teeth on drive gear.
  18. I recently had one same thing. Think it was bullydog programmer he downloaded newer version been good since.
  19. Found my note. Click START in search box type "clearvcmutil" hit ok or go this opens vcm recovery tool follow onscreen instructions
  20. There is a way to clear the vcm code. Then it will automatically install the latest code the next time its used. I can not find my notes on how to do it right now. I had gotten them from hotline and over the years had to use several times.
  21. Most of the time replacing the hose fixes them. Have seen 1 that needed bottle and hose.
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